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Would you consult your family if you had a dispute with your partner?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Relationships (205)      Marriage (63)      Advice (63)     

consultation, advice, family, relationship

Sometimes, conflicts within a relationship need mediation from an outsider, as all efforts put forth by the couple to reconcile either fail or reach a dead-end.

Would you feel comfortable talking to your close family members about disputes with your partner and ask them for advice? Or do you think consulting with a relationships expert or counsellor is a better idea?

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No I wouldn't consult my family, I don't think it's fair to my partner to disclose personal details about him, our life and our arguments to people whom he considers his family also. I find writing a great way to sort through my feelings, and if necessary, counselling or mediation seems a positive option.
No, because you never know how they will react - they could bring it up in front of him, or hold it against him. So it's not really fair on your partner.
Having been in this position, I strongly recommend you do Not ask family.

They all can be quite one sided.

After things settle down, their is always some embarrassed faces, as to how they 'saw' the problem.Their true feelings can at times come out.

You have a relationship with family for life, keep them to one side....and seek the advice from someone who is trained.

Someone who is non-bias.

They may be free for consultation....and on hand, but do you really want to know what they think.

Do you really want them to know, your personal issues.

Once you ask, it then is a open wound.

Do not be tempted, keep your dignity, ask for help with a professional.
Only if trusted. Otherwise relationships counselling.
Yes I will consult my family. Family can provide requisite support and share pearls of wisdom in resolving conflicts with the better half. However, this is not a blanket rule and factors like the type of conflict, how trusted and reliable your family is, will contribute towards a decision to confer with the family.
I will surely talk about it to my sister.Am sure she would understand.My parents might end up worrying too much for me.
I will rather seek professional advise and counseling,than involve biased family members.
Soon your life is a soap opera
by Zen
Sometimes, it all depends on the situation.
by Finy
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