Would you consider living in an over 55's village?
Photo: en.wikipedia.org
This is The Grange Retirement Village, part of a complex founded by the North Sydney Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy.
With the safety and lack of maintenance needed, would you live in a retirement village once you reached that age?
#Over 55
#Retirement village
#Secure housing
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I DID consider it when I moved 3 years ago from rural back to suburbia.
I ended up not doing it as even though it might have been easier, being on my own, I did not know if I could cope with people being around all the time, and having to say hello and wave every time you enter and leave your property.
I also did not know how I would go living in such close proximity to others as I tend to be a bit of a loner and like my space.
My other reason for not going to one is that I wanted to keep two dogs and most only allow one and I thought it might be a problem anyway if they barked as the houses are often very close togehter.
Apart from all this, I think they are a very good idea as you do not have ot worry about physical work and gardening, and you can if you choose to.
No. Why would I want to be surrounded by only old people? In my opinion, a community needs a range of different ages and types to be a good place to live.
I always hated this idea, being a bit of a loner in lots of respects and 'an individual' as I thought...HOWEVER now I am older the idea is starting to come into my mind as I am basically alone with no family at present(friends of course but they have their own probs!) and my villa is ageing and needing a lot of maintenance and I am starting to not be able to do what I always could (damn). Ho hum, life goes on....we'll see.
At 70 i will, hopefully. You pay per month for maintenance and initial costs are steep. I'd like to retire on a luxury cruise ship!
I don't consider myself dead yet.
I "don't consider myself dead" either. No village would accept anyone who thought that way. I am on my own & love my privacy. I don't have to do anything I don't want to, am as connected as I wish to be. I ride a motorbike as fun & recreation but have a car for practical stuff. Really, it's no different living in a RV than anywhere else, except if I want to take off for a week on the bike, or have a maintenance problem, it will all be taken care of, my lovely unit will be safe. It's the non-village residents who think I have 2 heads because I ride a bike, the residents here all think it's a hoot! Most are like me; have their own lives but connect here at Happy Hour, or at one of the recreations if/when they feel like it. It is without doubt the best decision I have made for myself. In the future if I become infirm I won't be as isolated as I would out in the community. Go for it!
have you checked your pulse recently? LOL
I think these retirement villages are a great idea - I think I would consider it later in life as an option
I actually wouldn't mind it I don't think.
My husband isn't keen on these so we would probably never do it but if I was on my own I would consider it. The only reservation I have is a potential lack of privacy.
Gayle I am a privacy freak & live in a beautiful RV. How can someone else impede on the privacy you require just by living in a Retirement Village? I have found that virtually 99% of others here like their privacy as much as I do. It is a microcosm here of the community out of the village. I far from fit the stereotype of those who think all in a RV are old. When those bigots get to 55 they might get a big shock! Old? Ha! They'll find out, lol. But if we were all old, so what? That wouldn't make us monsters for goodness sake. It is the bigot's problem alone, no-one elses'. I had misgivings but have found them to be just my misgivings & unfounded. I'd say first, look around, do your homework carefully. There are businesses now who will help you to choose, but it will cost. It was worth it for me. One happy vegemite now :))
I love having my own place which I have worked so hard to retain,despite being unwell. I need my garden and my beloved dogs more than words can say,and I ADORE MY PRIVACY. I have seen many of these villages and they are really rather gorgeous in many ways.HOWEVER,I think I would wait as long as possible before living in one of them.
If I had the money, and did not have a child at home...maybe.
I have worked in one, and they really do look after the people there, and you have your own independence....Quite a nice lifestyle.
Not until I'm over 55! Then I'll give it some thought, but probably not.
This is something i am considering at present one of the key points is i can lockup and go on holidays for 6 months and not have to worry about anything.Just as a side note a lot of retirement village's only allow plants in pots so be prepared and get some large outdoor pots growing now.
We can choose such different lifestyles today than in previous years. My mum (well over 55)had no choice but to give up her lovely garden and privacy. From experience, you really do need to look into the financial side of these villages VERY carefully. Fortunately we found a not for profit, without loss of $ when you no longer live there, one without a required 'happy hour', it needed to be near to transport, hospital and shopping. A hard find, but its worked out well. As she is on her own, and many in the village are the same,they do
look after each other (if my blind isnt up by lunchtime, I might be ill),but a friendly place, but wise not to become tooo friendly i think - everyone is quite different from their neighbour
She has a friend in another village, they like to travel away - still adventurous women, and much safer and easier to just close the door.
not at 55 no way. I like a bit of peace and quite,
not someone knocking on my door at all hours to chat,
We are 68/72; I think it could be a terrific idea in the right place. A schoolfriend already lives in similar and we have visited. Privacy no problem; the communal areas are not compulsory and briefly greeting neighbours no big deal. Having workmen etc etc available and to keep an eye is excellent and once inside her own property, mmy friend is absolutely private - she and hibby moved originally but he has since "got his wings". Finding the right place, is, I would say, absolutely crucial but if we found one oh! yes! (Doubt we could afford near friend and that is another downside - ok! you sell your home but all that lovely money doesn't go as far as you might think - the more pleasant and well organised retirementproperties are NOT cheap!!
If it is just Garden/ House maintenance that makes you leave your home. Look at it this way. It will be a lot cheaper to hire a person to do this work than pay the fees these villages require. The advantage is having people around to socialise with and to keep an eye on you. I think you need to be a people person to really get the benefits of this communal living. I for one think they are a great idea.
THAT is a great point and I had not considered it from that angle . . . . maybe I will just pay a gardener. Thanks for making me think outside the box :-)
I was advised to move and did so at 65. I hate it. Most are old, some grumpy and not well and I have never been so lonely. Nothing in common with the 80 yo population and not into bowls and bingo. Worst move I ever made. Can't keep more than 1 animal, people gossip and I miss my beautiful home and the independence of doing what I want to without having to get permission.
think carefully and do your financial homework. So many seem to have financial problems or administration difficulties.
Juili, your honesty is SO refreshing! Too many people 'wax lyrical' about 'whatever' when in truth, they privately hate, but don't have the guts to say how they actually feel!
A friend of mine's brother wanted him, at 67, very able & capable, not ga-ga, to go into a Nursing Home. He told his brother exactly what he thought of the idea! Good on him! He owns a low maintenance house, & still enjoys his way of living!
Absobloodylutely donjo ! and the family of the people who have been "pushed" into those homes are the main lyrical waxers because they want them out of sight and out of mind (in a lot of cases). Far better off in your own home and left to your own entertainments. There always seems to be a "manager" in those places too, the one (or couple)that feels obliged to call all the shots. I couldn't do it.
Still live in a low-set home, which is close to 'familiar' areas'.
Not giving up my independence for anybody!
Too 'young thinking' & fit to do that!
I just L O V E my privacy. Have my family. Have my friends. Have my health. Have my independence.
Yes, but would need it to be acceptable and low body Corp. fees. Plus be able to sell without exit fees etc.
It is not for everyone of course, Not too different to living in an apartment block so if that is not your cup of tea, think twice, I don't know yet, I am well over 55 and quite content in my little environment and making steps to reduce the maintentance on this old house.Who knows later, we can change our minds at any time you know!
No, I couldn't fit all my stuff into 1 of those places! My in-laws are in 1, & they enjoy it. it has 2 bedrooms, a small study, & it actually has the same name as then in the photo, We hardly ever see anyone else in the complex when we visit them. They have a swimming pool next to there 1. It's lovely & quite, & the couples who move in with a small dog can keep the dog until it dies, but there not allowed to buy another dog.
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