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Would you consider keeping exotic pets?

by annep (follow)
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Photo:Gualberto107 - freedigitalphotos.net

While many people stick to traditional choices like dogs and cats for a pet, some of us prefer something more exotic. In fact, just last week, one of my friend got herself a baby scorpion.

What do you think? Would you consider having exotic animals as pets?

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Exotic pets are not for me. My cousin keeps snakes (yes, plural) and one of them got out of it's enclosure and went missing in his house for a time. I think they're much better off in the wild.
It depends, I wouldn't like a pet reptile. But if that's something cute like a fox, I might consider it. Still, having exotic animals as pets might be more troublesome than a traditional choice like a dog or a house cat.
I think exotic animals belong in the wild, where they add to the beauty and play their role in the ecosystem.
Yes, I would love a Macaw Parrot.

They are amazing.
I have a python. Technically though, it's dogs and cats that are exotic here, as they are not native to Australia, whereas my python is.
Exotic birds maybe but anything creepy crawly - forget it!
Yes, I would -I wanted a snake at one stage, but my partner thought I was stark raving mad, as I am petrified of snakes!

I quite like the pet ones as I know they can do no harm, and I cannot see what is wrong with exotic pets apart from the fact that some of them you have to feed mice to and I would have a problem with that.
by Finy
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