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Would you consider donating a living kidney, or part of your liver, or lung?

by DamienR (follow)
Photographer and writer.
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A couple of years ago I found out a childhood friend has severe kidney disease. He is forced to go for blood transfusions once a day, and only recently, his treatment has helped his health to the point where he can be considered to receive a kidney transplant.

The kidney, liver and lung can all be donated while you are still alive. Would you ever consider donating an organ, or part of an organ while you are still alive?

Lung X-ray
"Pneumonia x-ray" by Original uploader was InvictaHOG at en.wikipedia - Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pneumonia_x-ray.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Pneumonia_x-ray.jpg

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To a family member or close friend, sure. Not to a stranger, though. My children need me so I can't go putting myself at risk unnecessarily.
I totally agree.
by jonaja
I think Jennifer said it very well and to the point.
I've been considering it, assuming my friend and I are the same blood type. At the same time, I think the idea is insane, I haven't physically spoken to him since we were teenagers, but after my own stint in hospital I can't imagine allowing someone to suffer when I have the means to help.
I understand how you feel. This is such a difficult situation. I would say, if it was me, I would talk to my immediate family about how I feel and then come to a decision.

by BK
What Jennifer said.
by Vee
copy cat!
by jonaja
by Vee
LOL :)

by jonaja
I don't think I can say no to this because if the opportunity were to arise it would be with someone close to me.
I might do that depending on the situation and would certainly talk to my family and doctors and see what are my options.
by BK
I would do this for a family member.
Whilst I would prefer to keep all my parts I would help a family member if that's what it took.
My brother in law gave a kidney to my s.in.law some l0 years ago. My s.in.law is now 65, and the bond between them is very strong. I admire and love him for this very much
IF I was 'compatible' to a family member, yes.
Stranger, no.

Am on Organ Donor List for when I 'fall off the twig'! That's the best I can do!
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