Would you call yourself a hoarder, or do you throw out easily?
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I used to be a collector and was a bit of a hoarder but nothing like the photo -my motto was, if you cannot display it, don't have it.
So I have sold a lot of my collections to downsize, and I must therefore not be a hoarder.
Im somewhere in between. There are things that I don't use at the moment, but think 'oh, but I might need/want them in the future'. Then there are things that I will get rid of because I'm fed up with clutter. The problem is, with three of us in the house, all the things I would get rid of because they are not used, my parents won't get rid of.
Nice question, yes i'm hoader i keep collecting thinks i don't need.
I am most definitely not a hoarder, I have no trouble chucking stuff out. I don't always have a perfectly tidy house, but I have a sense of urgency to throw things out because I once lived with a hoarder and that was very depressing and overwhelming.
I can't hoard.
I do have about 6 boxes, with the most important things carried down from family, but they fit into the wardrobe up the top.
I hate hoarding, and have clean outs every year of clothes ect.
I get confused to see clutter people keep, and I would have to say
it would be impossible to hoard for me.
Every thing has to be in a clean order.
I am definitely not a hoarder, completely the opposite....to the point where I have sometimes regretted it as have wanted something I have chucked out or recycled..eg .it may have come back into fashion
No, but my wife thinks so.
I have always purchased things that I think may come of use later.
Or needed later.
For example I collect books and have found later in life that I have more time to sit and read them, I tend to purchase Non Fiction Books although do enjoy the few sci-Fi books that I have bought.
I also have a good selection of DVDs, I always thought perhaps when I am older and no longer earning that I would have these things to keep me entertained ( I may not be able to afford such things later on when retired.
Sadly wives tend to frown upon this and call it hoarding.
Men and women truely have different values ( or do they).
I live with a hoarder and I could strangle him. Yours sounds like good sense to me, not hoarding :-)
I have some gorgeous collections,and in the past have definitely been somewhat of a hoarder,but I am now only acquiring things I really love or wish to add to my treasures.I guess I am still a bit guilty of hoarding though!!! I do tend to find uses for my 'stuff' though,so it does get a second life!
I am a bit of a hoarder but I am getting better at purging things that I don't use or need anymore
Good question. I'm half/half when it comes to this. Sometimes I wish I could just get rid of most things I own, but then I'm afraid I'll miss them and the memories attatched to them.
anyone who enters my place is bound to think it, but I don't have any true rubbish anywhere, just a lot of unsorted stuff. I do have regular tidy ups but only when I have time to focus on it, and then to know where I move the things to!
I am one of the half and half group. I was more of a hoarder in the past but no where near as bad as what you see on those TV shows! As time goes by I am less of a hoarder. I do like to keep some letters and cards which have sentimental value. I hold onto some things. There are things I have ditched which I wish I had kept.
I am somewhere in between. If I add to my collections they will start to look cluttered so that is reason enough to admire things these days but not buy! I do an annual spring clean especially with clothes that i haven't worn in a while.
that's a big no no for me I think and live by these words "you gotta throw old out to make space for new so no hoarding over here
Am a hoarder. Moving house would be a nightmare come true for me. I use so much 'guff' & can't bear to throw out an item I think I can use, in the future!
No, I am not a hoarder. I am the organized type of person. I throw out things or give good condition items away.
Oooh! Photo gives me the creeps to see!
Hope I NEVER get to that situation!
Have currently the opportunity to do much 'culling'!
Am enjoying my 'new stricter' way of life!
Amazing what one CAN do, when one's mind has been made up!
Will eventually no longer feel like a 'TMNT', lugging my 'life's possessions', from house to house!
What empowerment! What freedom!
What SPACE created! Yay!
I think im a hoarder but not like in the photo or on tv when you can't get in the room. I have these brilliant ideas sometimes like inventions and I feel I need these things for that reason. It comforts me also. When my mom died I ended up with all her ornaments I can't bear to let them go. They are of no use to me but like I say a comfort to me. I also have a shadow box loaded with mum s glass figurines. I know my house looks old fashioned but I am the one that lives in it.
YES, I'm a hoarder, but it's not all my junk. A lot of the stuff is my husbands tools, as we don't have a garage to keep them in. Also cloths & toys to be taken to Melbourne, for our granddaughters.
My husband loves buying stuff, (non food items) we don't really need. Always from Aldi!
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