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Would you buy your man a murse?

by Vee (follow)
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murse man bag
Image originally uploaded by Anusood. Sourced from Wikimedia Commons.

I threatened to buy my man a murse (a purse for men) for Christmas if he didn’t behave himself. He informed me that he could care less as they are all the rage in China and Japan, and, before we know it, they’ll be the next fashion must-have for men in Aus. We’ll see.

Would you buy your man a murse? Men, would you wear one?

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Hmm. I don't think so. Maybe a back pack, but I don't think he'd wear a purse.
Hmm. I don't think so. Maybe a back pack, but I don't think he'd wear a purse.
I think if they have a long strap, like a messenger kind of bag, that's cool.

Some guys have car keys, wallet, and maybe meds or even those larger mobile i phones.
I think it's all good, and plus there is always the odd bit of paper work.
As long as they look man like, no problems...about time had men had a few
'extra's' :)
I like the one I have in my pic.
by jonaja
Agreed, the one in your pic looks 'manly'.
by Vee
thanks Vee :)
by jonaja
No. My partner would never use it. When he's out with the kids he does wear the pink "Dora the Explorer" backpack though!
I suppose that's not a reflection of him, simply a necessity for the kids. But, if he had a murse, that would be on him. Fair call.
by Vee
No way, he'd never use it!
Do you make these words up, Vee?

Is there really such a thing, rather such a word?

Bags for men were around years ago but mainly for travelling.

I have a friend who always takes a clutch type little thing and I dont even notice anymore.

However this is not a big handbag type thing like your photo.

No, I do not like men with bags unless they are the cloth, beach, Bali type bags that hang over their shoulders and then only in bathers or very casual clothes.

Not when dressed properly, I would not like it to take on as a fashion as it is a feminine thing
by Finy
No, Finy I don't make up these words, LOL. I heard it from somebody else, so I think it may be making its way into common usage. Just like 'shat'. I used it often, and my mum would try to correct me, not many years later it made its way into the Oxford Dictionary! LOL.
by Vee
I'd always referred to them as man-bags! My other 1/2 bought 1 on a cruise once, (from the cruise ships shop,) but he won't use it! It's dark navy colour, so I end up carrying his car keys, mobile, reading glasses & notebook in my handbag. If he happens to go out on his own, he'll manage to stick everything into his pockets, or carry them in his hands!
by Miro
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