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Would you buy a pre paid funeral?

by Finy (follow)
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Image: The Blue Diamond Gallery

Would you buy pre paid funeral insurance?

#Pre paid funeral
#Funeral insurance
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I would however I have cash which my children can access when I die!
I think it is a good idea to take out a pre paid funeral if there is no cash around as when my son died, his wife had no ready cash to pay this huge amount, and I stepped in!
If someone dies young like that, it can be very difficult - i guess also if someone is older, but the question is worded wrong - as did not mean "insurance" but pre paid!
I think insurance is something different though amounts to the same in the end, but is something you go on and on paying for whereas pre paid you only pay once I think.
by Finy
Yes Finy. Pre-paid is exactly that. Up front payment, whereas funeral insurance you keep paying.
by helga
My parents have pre - paid funerals. I think the pre- paid funerals are a very expensive path to take. We have funeral insurance as a part of our superannuation, so that is taken care of. It will cover all the costs of the funeral

I have 2 Plots bought 30 years ago, when I bought my Mothers plot.

It was a great idea.

As for the funeral, I have insurance if I die by accident...only.

So the funeral has to be paid for by my boys, but soon this year all three will each be getting money to pay for my funeral, from me.

It is to be the most inexpensive coffin (as I don't want toooo much money spent on it ).

Once ya dead ya dead!
I do not believe in spending heaps of money, never have.

So that's me taken care of yaaaaa :)
I haven't ever thought about it. I guess I would
by AJ
I've pre-paid my funeral. Mum paid hers many years ago, about 50 years ago I think. What she paid then compared to what it would have cost when she passed was so cheap. All we had to pay for was the printing of the service so I figure if I last as long as she did (94 years) I go out of this world in my choice of coffin decked with purple Singapore orchids and my family has no money problems.

Nope. My daughter knows I do not want fuss or expense and she will get all of my estate so whatever she spends she will get back. I'm not too interested in what happens to me.
by Rice
We've always thought pre-paid funeral insurance was a waste of money. I'd like to be cremated in CARDBOARD box if possible, with painted tulips & flamingos over it, but that has nothing to do with the above question of cause, but I thought I'd tell you anyway! I don't think it's fair that diet starts with 'die', & funeral starts with 'fun' Sorry, I'm still of the point again, but I just thought of that!
by Miro
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