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Would you buy a curved television screen?

by Finy (follow)
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Would you buy a curved television screen?

#Curved screen
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Yes Of course I would!
I buy most new technology and like to have it.
However in this case I bought two expensive, Smart TV's just before the curved ones came out, so I will not need to be replacing these for years unless something brand new and fantastic comes out, that I MUST have!
by Finy
Never it's a rort - just like 3D television. The depth of vision is not noticeable on domestic televisions however you WOULD notice something on the size of a cinema screen. Gimmicks in trying to entice viewers into buying televisions based on technology that's not very well understood and trying to entice post Gen X's away from internet based or streaming modes of content viewing. Sorry but it's a dupe
Yes, and you are in the Biz, aren't you, Annalisa? So you would know
by Lluxi
Yes indeed! From a producer's perspective I would never buy one for myself. My brother went on and on about buying a 3D television a few years ago (I warned him against it) ... let alone the price he paid for it. His response was we have a young family and don't go out much particularly to the cinema so it would be a treat for the family. It was a novelty for the first few months ... since then they don't use the 3D element of the TV. It's the same with the curved technology - it's a novelty.
Actually no. I'm moving away from having tv as the centrepiece in my living space. Right now we just watch shows on youtube and its more of the old programs. We did netflix two months but we didnt watch enough to justify the purchase.
Anyone remember blu-ray ? The curve may go the same way.
Yes, I think it is just a fad that won't last the distance
by Lluxi
We bought a smart t.v. 2 years ago.
We don't have that kind of need or money,
so No.
I'm not into having the latest stuff.Happy to just use what we have, unless it go's 'bang'..Even then we will just get something middle of the road but a good brand, that will last.
Goes bang
by Lluxi
I am sorry for spelling your name wrong. I always have to think twice if I use it in my answers. Maybe I should have thought three times and I might have got it right.
by Lluxi
We bought a new TV in the sales after Christmas, so no need to buy another. I have no interest in the curvy ones. We have a Smart TV. They look strange to me in appearance. There is absolutely no way it would fit on our TV cabinet which was hand crafted for us to our specifications ( been looking for a nice one for years, but couldn't find an attractive one in any shop we went to, so decided to get it hand made for us), and the price is too rich for our blood. The salesman in the shop said they don't sell that many of them. Unless you watch a lot of TV, or have a home theatre, I really couldn't justify the expense.
Biz? Business
by jonaja
Terminology used by TV people. I know because my son is in the trade Jonah, and it is quite acceptable language.
by Lluxi
oh! I know what it means....LOL I was having fun at your expense because you correct my 63 yr old spelling.
by jonaja
LOL Jonaj
by Lluxi
We have one.

For no other reason other than it was a demo model on super special and ended up cheaper than "normal" tvs of that size.

The curved aspect is irrelevant to me, but it does have a fantastic picture quality.
I would buy one if I was buying a new TV. We won't need to buy one for sometime though
by AJ
I think I've seen this question somewhere else...LOL! No. I don't see the appeal; my TV is fine.
by Vee
Not at all!! I just have no desire for this type of thing at all, let aone the money to spend on such items!! I watch so little TV and so few DVD'S that this is totally irrelevant to my lifestyle. The flat screen tv which takes up too much space as it is, does all I require of a television and has great picture quality.
No. Not my cup of tea, so to speak.
I would consider it if I was in the market but I recently upgraded to 4k ultra HD TV and love the picture quality and notice the difference.. I watch loads of Blu-ray sci-fi and action movies and delight in a good quality screen as well. The tv upscales the movies too.
No . . . but I stood gaping in open mouthed wonder at one a few days ago. The colours were astonishing.Of course, it was all reds and greens in the demo, designed to suck you in. I simply would not pay that sort of money for a one eyed monster in the corner of my lounge room. . . even if I had megabucks.
by Rice
I've never even thought about that, I don't see why not! as long as they work like any other!
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