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Would you be game to travel in a taxi like this?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Travel (244)      Holidays (84)      Transport (44)     

Exotic Taxi by iamnotpablo via morgueFile
Image by iamnotpablo via morgueFile

In many countries transport is extremely precarious by our standards. Thailand and South America immediately come to mind. While we test our cars over and over to improve safety and take care to fasten out seatbelts, these folk have a devil may care attitude.

If you were travelling abroad would you ride in a taxi like this, or worse, at least this one has seats?

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Top Answers
No way in ....
I would rather remove seat and sit on the floor.
Those seats must be strapped down to the floor of the van.
I say this having not lived in any of these countries where this is my only option.

by Gia
When I was young and visiting Thailand I got on a taxi like this. It had a couple on bench seats along the sides and that was all. I was quite apprehensive that it was even a taxi at all but had limited options at the time.

Now I'm older there is no way at all.
No I wouldn't. I've lived in Singapore and travelled extensively in surrounding countries.... and never travelled in a taxi like this, though I have seen many! There is always a safer option, though it is usually a bit more expensive.
Would I be game? No bloody way. The Bula Bus is the most dangerous way I'd go.
by Vee
I'm saying


To this kind of transport for me, if over there!

Just a tad dangerous.
Only a tad!!!
I'd rather not. That looks stupidly dangerous.
Safety factor 0. If driver had to stop suddenly they'd all topple! Maybe car is only doing 10kph!
Am very careful when abroad with public transport.
Most satisfying in every way, is the London Tube.
NO WAY! Seat belts for me, but having said that, we were in Bangalore for a wedding, in March/April 2013, & rode in Took-Took’s most days without seat belts. One of the ones 1 of my sisters rode in, did tip over, but she was ok, except for a few scratches & a bit of shock!
I doubt it.
by Finy
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