Would you be a model for a Life Drawing class?
The human form is a beautiful and fascinating subject, and probably the most popular object ever drawn.
They say some people be life models because they need the money. Others because they love art. And others because they are exhibitionists. Either way, you would certainly need a lot of self confidence to stand naked for an hour or so in front of strangers.
Would you be a life model? Have you ever been one? How much would you want to be paid?
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No, I don't have the patience to sit still.
I was a life model for many years in England. It's not true you need to be an exhibitionist to do this job. You just need to need the money. I realised i could model for 4 hours week or work every weekend in a bar for the same money. I chose the life modelling. Most people do not actually draw you anyway they draw what the think they see so I have some lovely images of me with amazing long legs and a cherubic face. It was a bit weird once going to an art exhibition to find lots of pictures of me on the walls. Once you have got over the fact that you are naked in front of people you generally think about what you are cooking for tea and what you need to pick up in the shops on the way home
I would do it if it was a friend who was drawing me - I think that would be a fantastic and interesting experience to be the subject of art.
No to the first question
No to the second
No money would ever help me take my clothes off!
I agree with Ivane Katz I wouldn't be able to sit still.
When we did life drawing at school we all had to take turns to model. That was fully clothed though. I'd happily model for an art class for money if I had the time and opportunity to do so. I have been in life drawing classes with nude models and it is all very professional. All body types are equally appreciated as it's all good practice (elderly people are particularly interesting to draw I feel, because of the wrinkles). Once we did have some young guys (just out of high school) who had a little snigger at the female model once and she promptly kicked them out of the classroom. They had a heater in the room in winter and once when she was posing lying down the model got so comfortable she went to sleep!
I was modelling once and it was nice and toasty in the room, I woke up a little shocked to see lots of people starting at me until I remembered were I was. Apparently I had dozed off a pulled the sheet over me. no one had the heart to wake me so everyone had just got a new bit of paper and drawn me draped in the sheet. ha!!
Used to do it, but won't do it anymore. Being a model for a while was once fun. Now I love drawing and being the artist as I am on in my work overall.
No. I'd get bored too soon and want to get up and stretch.
No way. I don't think I could ever be that confident about my body. But even if I was, I would feel too uncomfortable having people looking at me in such detail.
Hey, I'd do it. But I wouldn't go searching for it. I'd have to be asked, and since I'm not in my 20s any longer, I think that's not likely.
No, more because I couldn't sit still for that long, rather than the nudity - though they wouldn't be the most attractive pictures either...
I Would like to be a model
No - don't have the confidence. However, my son was a very popular life model in Melbourne for many years and thoroughly enjoyed the work. There again he was a buff young man with no hang-ups about his body. The pay wasn't too bad either for a student.
You know, I think I could. I sure would not have in my youth but I think age is liberating. I know that my body is more of a farmyard than a garden, so, if I was asked to do it for a legitimate art class, I feel I might give it a whirl. The ad would have to read: "Wanted: short round pommy git with lumps, bumps and orange peel."
I would love to be a life model.
But I'm 63. I don't know where to apply in the Sunbury area
I have been available to model for a class, but on the night the situation changed , I think someone complained, so it didn't happen. I was about 16.
Now 40 years later I would do it if asked. I am not an exhibitionist, and I don't need the money, but I do love art. I am fat and bumpy now, so I doubt I will be asked. If someone required a fat bumpy woman, I would help out.
Too busy trying to promote dignity for people in aged care facilities and hospitals.
I know it's not the same thing.
I,ve never been a live model, as long as I wouldn't be naked,, I don't know if I would be able to sit still long enough.
I was once at Tafe, for 3 Fridays, with my cloths on! It was way back in '92 or '93!
As long as it's not a nude one, then again I don't know if I could sit still long enough.
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