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Would you ask someone out?

by Carly (follow)
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Photo by Muramasa via Wikipedia

We can vote, keep our name when we marry, and demand the same pay as our male counterparts, but does gender equality extend to dating and courtship? Is the whole 'waiting at home for them to call' bit as antiquated as dowries and chastity belts?

Have you ever asked out someone you like? Would you?

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Not now that I'm married :-)
Back in the day though, I'd ask someone out if I really really liked them but I'd try to do my ground work first; so try to find out if they like me too and check that they're single. I figure that men can be just as shy and nervous as us girls, so I didn't expect them to always make the first move.
When I was single I did ask someone out and it took all the courage I had - he actually said no but afterwards I was on cloud nine, I think it was the adrenalin rush!!
Have done so. It backfired but at least I wasn't left asking 'what if'?'
by Vee
I am a shy person, and therefore the answer is usually a no. However, if the vibes are right, and I really like someone, I'd take that risk and ask.
I see no issue in asking someone out. If we can do everything else, we can certainly ask someone out. I asked a man out and was the first one to confess my love, thankfully in both instances he said yes. If you have done your background checks, evaluated your feelings for the guy and have concluded that you really like them, then go ahead and ask them out. Life is too short to live with regrets for things you wished you had done.
as a woman
Yes, why not? if we expect women and men to be equal (sadly not in all cases and situations in life) then we need to do our part too, not be held back by stereotypes or expectations of the past centuries.
by WSW
I'm happily married, so I don't really plan on asking anyone out. However, if I was single, I probably wouldn't be adverse to doing so if I felt the person I was interested in was truly compatible with me...and was single. I really feel that it can be done without coming across as though you're hitting on them. If you like someone and think that you'd like to know them a bit better, perhaps casually offer to buy a takeaway lunch that you can share together in a local garden. If they're interested in you they'll grab the opportunity to share some time with you...and it won't be too hard to arrange a further date, whereas if they're not, you won't waste your time and money, and lose face. You could also do something together that you both enjoy (bushwalking, see a movie, etc) as you'll both enjoy yourself, regardless whether you develop a serious relationship or not, and it's a lot less intimidating than asking someone out for a romantic dinner.
yep - have.
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