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Would this latest air disaster affect if you fly, and would you fly MA?

by Finy (follow)
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Would this latest airline disaster affect your holiday plans?

Would you be now scared to fly, and would you book on Malaysian Airlines if they have really cheap prices?

#Airline disaster
#Malaysian Airlines
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I havent flown anyway for a few years as seem to have been almost everywhere I have ever wanted to go and now I just cannot stand the stress of flying and holidaying, and especially now that I am on my own.

I have previously flown MA -they were very good to me when my daughter died in London -got me and my other kids on a plane at a reduced price and let us bring back as much baggage as we wanted.

I don't think it would affect my flying with them, as it could have happened to anyone.
I also think they will not survive this latest tragedy anyway as they are losing millions a day.

Other airlines also flew over that flight path.
by Finy
Ah, MA is code for Malev Airlines, the Hungarian airline.
Malaysian's code is 'MH'.
by donjo
It definitely makes me more nervous to fly but it won't stop me from flying. I have never flown with MA but I wouldn't say that I would never fly with them in the future
by AJ
I would be happy to fly with Malaysian Airlines. It's woulda seem to me they are in no way responsible for the current tragedies. Having flown with Malaysian airlines on a number of occasions I found the service excellent, friendly and professional - one of the best airlines I have flown with and have served Australia well over many years.
I wouldn't fly Malaysian Airlines even though it seems that neither of the two air disasters is their fault.
It's their fault for flying over Ukraine.
Yeah, what's with that! I don't understand why other airlines were avoiding it and yet a few continued to fly over the area? And you're right, they shouldn't have been in that area. It's all just such a mess, with lots of unanswered questions - and so, so sad!
Yeah, what's with that! I don't understand why other airlines were avoiding it and yet a few continued to fly over the area? And you're right, they shouldn't have been in that area. It's all just such a mess, with lots of unanswered questions - and so, so sad!
Re: MH17. ALL airlines were given an ICAO directive in JANUARY 2014, not to fly over Ukrainian airspace, due war zone. Some, including MH, chose to disobey that directive, purely to SAVE fuel.

For MH, that was a very bad decision, & they killed 100's of people, including their own staff, as a result. Dumb, dumb, dumb, just to kow-tow to the almighty Dollar!

ICAO & IATA directives are not released for 'fun'. They're there to protect Airlines, Crews & Passengers.

Airlines, ignore them at your peril.

by donjo
I don't fly anyway, but now it makes me even more certain never to step onto a plane.
Bryony, never say never -how do you know in the futre!
by Finy
Only if I had a personality transplant.
More people die in/because of cars than planes.
But at least you aren't falling thousands of feet from the air.

That's not the only reason I don't go on planes. It is far too much hassle at the airport, and planes also cause more pollution than cars.
Well, Bryony, some of us are 'geographically indisposed', & have NO choice but to fly!

I just don't 'get' why some people are just so adverse to flying.
I grew up flying constantly, so I suppose being 'used' to it makes a big difference.
by donjo
And I don't get why some people just can't stay put and need to go on holiday abroad all the time. There is no need.
Would you believe because it's enjoyable to many people!
If you don't want to experience it, then fine.
Do you have a 'fear of flying', or just plain disinterested in everything 'new' in life?
by donjo
A fear of flying and an avoidance of hassle and the unfamiliar. I like what I know and not what I don't. Anyway, people can have lots of fun having holidays on home turf. In decades past most people spent their holidays having a wonderful time going to other places in their own country. Now it seems no one is satisfied unless they go abroad. Small pleasures can be just as fulfilling a big adventures.
I wouldn't fly with MA, but this latest disaster won't affect our current plans to holiday next February.
by Vee
I'm not sure but I would check out the route they were flying and on careful consideration may book with them
Two huge incidents in 6 months with Malaysian Airlines.Flight 370 & Flight MH-17
I do not think I have any confidence to fly with them.
Yes both different incidents...but something is not quite right.
What would be the 'chances' these two planes would have such a demise, in 6 months.
What are the odd's?....It's not for me to work out all the clues, just to be aware.
Flying has now changed, and unless I have too....I will pass on it.

Makes me sick to think that 3 people I know have all had flight MH-17 touch their lives now.Have lost family on that flight.
It certainly makes me nervous, but I'm flying in 3 weeks for a total of 4 flights (long haul back to the UK). It's unavoidable and flying does remain a safe form of travel. I'm glad I'm not flying MA, though as that is one airline that I will be avoiding. Too many questions unanswered from both flights thus far.

If the price they were offering for tickets was competitive enough, I'd probably still travel with Malaysian Airlines. I used to travel with them quite regularly (along with Singapore Airlines they were always considered one of the best and safest airlines in the world), but since the budget airlines are so much cheaper now, more recently I've been travelling with them. However, if Malaysian Airlines were offering some good specials I'd still be confident to travel with them. Whatever we do in life, there is always a risk, and I love travel too much to give it up.
My hubby has a slight fear of flying and this has made him even more anxious!
Oh! No such thing as 'a slight fear of flying'!
You either have a fear of flying, or you don't!
It's comparable to saying 'you're slightly pregnant'!

There're 'F.of F.' Courses conducted in Sydney, by QANTAS. Need to book well ahead, as they fill up quickly!

by donjo
Two huge incidents in 6 months with Malaysian Airlines.Flight 370 & Flight MH-17
I do not think I have any confidence to fly with them.
Yes both different incidents...but something is not quite right.
What would be the 'chances' these two planes would have such a demise, in 6 months.
What are the odd's?....It's not for me to work out all the clues, just to be aware.
Flying has now changed, and unless I have too....I will pass on it.

Makes me sick to think that 3 people I know have all had flight MH-17 touch their lives now.Have lost family on that flight.
no idea? why my answer has appeared twice :(
by jonaja
I think Malaysian Airlines will be in a lot of financial trouble now, the future could be bleak for them anyway as I'd imagine most people would avoid booking with them. I've flown Malaysian Airlines before, and had an ok experience, but I probably wouldn't want to book with them for the foreseeable future
To me still stands you get what you pay for in life and I think twice about cheap. That's a no to flying Malaysain. No i love flying I won't stop.
The flight being shot down is not something that could have been anticipated and has nothing to do with the cost of the flight. Don't blame the victims.
I would only fly in a direction away from the Northern hemisphere.
It is clear that the area is about break out into a massive war from the middle east to Russia.
I think MA will have a really hard time now and its likely they will suffer with their long haul and european flights. there are just too many other options. But I think people will still fly. We are an international family and for many like us its a way of life, necessary for work, education and family and there is no way around it. For holiday etc people will start to make choices but I imagine there will be plenty of incentives around now to encourage more travel. I think though what this latest incident brings home to people is that this is not an isolated incident and action, actions of this kind are not limited to countries at war. Australia is so fortunate and so lucky to not be impacted by war overall and what that brings without realising is a naivety that it can never happen to us. What this does is make the world much smaller and how real these threats are to everyone. This along with the current atrocities of Gaza make me ashamed as to the depths humans will go to for their own self interests. Its disgraceful.
Not considering MA for a moment, 4 air crashes or incidents in a short span of time i.e. including the 2 MH, 1 Air Algier and 1 Taiwanese.. That's too much and the similarity that they are all commercial passenger liners is indeed shocking!!

Now, coming to the question.. Will it scare me from travelling by airplane.. I guess my answer is a NO. Every mode of transport is wrought with risks.

Travelling by car from home to work and back is actually more riskier than flying or travelling by plane, based on statistics of accidents occurred or reported. So I will not stop travelling (or travelling often) by aeroplane.

But when it comes to the flight, I have not travelled on MA before and now it does create an anxiety. So did QANTAS for sometime! I haven't had a need to try them yet. I usually travel via Singapore and prefer SQ than any other. I will rather continue with them than change to MA or any other to check my LUCK!
Just curious, Manny, why you're 'anxious' flying on QANTAS?
by donjo
If you gotta go, you gotta go. Wouldn't bother me flying but would definitely not fly MA. Bad communication, bad decisions. My heart goes out to the relatives.
It would affect my travel plans & I decided never to fly MA after the first one went down. I only wish the people on the 2nd plane had decided that too. Tragic is not a strong enough word.
If you thought that two flying disasters from one airline is a problem then check out how many ford or holden cars have crashed in the last six months. It's like saying i will never travel in a ford again. Just silly mindless thinking to think negatively this way as an indication of some future prediction.
We flew MA to Australia and recently had to choose an airline to fly back to the UK. Although MA were cheaper we chose Singapore Airlines this time, specifically because the previous MA flight that went missing. It now turns out that Singapore Airlines were a company that continued to fly over Ukranian airspace when other European airlines were avoiding it. My husband and son flew that route a week before the MA flight was shot down ... So you just never know, you just have to take your chances
no, when your time is up, its up. nobody who you fly with, but I would think twice before I flew with Malasia airways
No it would not worry me really.....statistically it is safer to fly in a plane than get into your car and drive....many more deaths on the roads, (guess there are a lot more cars aren't there)....but no it wouldn't be an issue for me
by Fran
I would still fly but not in any of the directions of any of the mysterious crashes.
I would never fly MA. At this stage I would rather fly with an airline who has not had as much bad luck!
Eh, Finy, the two-letter IATA code for Malayasian Airlines is MH.
MA stands for Malev, the Hungarian Airline!

To the question now: as having flown all my life, NO, it would not affect my flying life.
As for flying with MH, they USED to be a very good airline, but like so many others', cost cutting over the years' has brought them to a very sad state.

Have always, & always will, fly QANTAS as much as possible, on my itinerary.
QANTAS has provided me, over many years', very happy memories' & some exceptional flights!

May the 'Flying 'Roo' look forward to its' 100th Birthday, in a few years'!
Here here!!! My husband is ex Q' staff! He did 33 years service.
by Miro
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