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Would the world be better without religion?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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Image from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:RELIGIONES.png

Religion is meant to be about love of fellow man, yet a majority of all conflicts are sparked by different beliefs. Do you think the world would be better off without religion? If you had the choice between your religion and world peace, what would you choose?

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I don't know. I used to think that it wouldn't make any difference if there was no religion because something else would just take its place and that there would be greed, fear and anger in the world with or without religion. Now I'm not so sure, and even if that's true it doesn't mean it's not worth fighting against the negative things religion does. I don't know whether we'll ever truly get rid of sexism but I'm not about to give in and say that I won't even bother calling people on their sexist rubbish any more.

Many religious people have done a lot of good in the world. However, I think religion itself does harm all too often. It encourages magical thinking, and discourages thinking critically. You get religious folk who think that the world is going to end soon so we shouldn't even bother trying to do anything about climate change, or that climate change can't possibly be happening, whatever the actual evidence says, because God wouldn't let it. These people can vote. This stuff effects everyone.

As a feminist the sexism in the major religions bothers me a lot. Most religions teach that women are inferior beings. There are still Christian pastors who preach that women shouldn't be allowed to speak in church. Even in Buddhism there are sects that teach that a woman must be reborn as a man before they can reach Nirvana. Then there is all the stuff about modesty, accusing women of being somehow to blame for men being unable to control their lust and making it somehow our resposibility to keep ourselves safe and "pure" instead of men's responsibility to not rape people. And there are all the attempts to curtail women's reproductive rights, and making young girls so hung up on the idea of virginity that they believe they are worthless once they have had sex, whether willingly or unwillingly.

It's debateable whether these things are actually inherent to religion, but most churches and religious groups are doing very little to stamp these ideas out. Quite the reverse in many cases.
Even if religion isn't the inherent cause of sexism, if there wasn't religion, at least those who are sexist wouldn't have their faith as an excuse to hide behind to defend their prejudice.
Religion offers some people a sense of security and safety if treated as a constant in their lives. I think people have the right to choose their path. I personally prefer world peace as a self belief.
The world would be a whole lot better if religion didn't exist. I am an atheist, and while I respect other people's beliefs, those beliefs should not be imposed upon others. Religion causes nothing but trouble and we'd all be better off without it.
I think you will find it is the people behind 'anything' that in this world cause all the problems.
If it was not one reason to have a war, then another reason would come up!
Human beings have just never learnt to play nice with others.
As for World Peace....well that would be nice, but it is impossible.Never has happened, and it would take a miracle, now.
by jonaja
I'm not into ''religion'' kind of.
I'm into one man....who came to help, and show, and love.
Who proved to over 500 people of the day,,,he came back to life, from the cross.
What human beings do with that is up to them, after all they have always
had wars, killed, and gone crazy!
He came to tell them the truth, and look what they did to him.
So 'religion' is not the problem per-say.
It's man.
It is his nature....that needs help.
The world would not be a better place without religion. The world would be a better place without money, greed and lust for power, which leave the powerless and disenfranchised on the margins of society. These are the root cause of conflict, not religion.
by Vee
No I don't think so
Much as I don't like to say this, the answer is yes.
Most wars are about religion, and without religion, perhaps we would have a more peaceful world.
by Finy
I disagree Finy. Most wars are not about religion. Most wars are about money grabbing and power hungry people after more money, more power and more control.
by Vee
so, tell me which wars are not associated with a religion or rather one person not liking people because of a religion -what about wW2 to begin with?
by Finy
The world would be a horrible place without religion. Without a sense that we are all spiritul beings, people would have free range to lie and cheat and steal and take what they could without any consequences.

And before somebody pipes up that some people already do that, I think you'll find that the ones who do have already been convinced that they are more animal than spiral being so to them there are no consequences.
We are free to lie, cheat, steal etc if we want to, and yet obviously there ARE consequences for doing these things. We have laws. You don't have to be religious to get arrested. You also don't have to be religious to have empathy. I know that if someone hurts me it makes me sad so I try not to hurt other people. It's very simple.
I don't see why no religion would increase crime. You seem to be suggesting that people who don't have religion have no morals. I find that a lot of people with religion pretend to have morals, but they are just twisted to suit their own desires.
I don't know. I used to think that it wouldn't make any difference if there was no religion because something else would just take its place and that there would be greed, fear and anger in the world with or without religion. Now I'm not so sure, and even if that's true it doesn't mean it's not worth fighting against the negative things religion does. I don't know whether we'll ever truly get rid of sexism but I'm not about to give in and say that I won't even bother calling people on their sexist rubbish any more.

Many religious people have done a lot of good in the world. However, I think religion itself does harm all too often. It encourages magical thinking, and discourages thinking critically. You get religious folk who think that the world is going to end soon so we shouldn't even bother trying to do anything about climate change, or that climate change can't possibly be happening, whatever the actual evidence says, because God wouldn't let it. These people can vote. This stuff effects everyone.

As a feminist the sexism in the major religions bothers me a lot. Most religions teach that women are inferior beings. There are still Christian pastors who preach that women shouldn't be allowed to speak in church. Even in Buddhism there are sects that teach that a woman must be reborn as a man before they can reach Nirvana. Then there is all the stuff about modesty, accusing women of being somehow to blame for men being unable to control their lust and making it somehow our resposibility to keep ourselves safe and "pure" instead of men's responsibility to not rape people. And there are all the attempts to curtail women's reproductive rights, and making young girls so hung up on the idea of virginity that they believe they are worthless once they have had sex, whether willingly or unwillingly.

It's debateable whether these things are actually inherent to religion, but most churches and religious groups are doing very little to stamp these ideas out. Quite the reverse in many cases.
Although religious people are a constant source of entertainment, I would opt for world peace because as the writer's question implies, religion(s) are inherently violent.
Simple answer. Yes. The world would be better without religion. Religion only separates us, it doesn't bring people together.
No, the world would be better off without the people who use religion as a reason to hate, discriminate and start wars.
Religion is a 'crutch' that people use to help them, they believe. To each his/her own.

Even if it didn't exist, mankind would easily find another subject to fight over, eg land or water rights, ocean & fishing rights etc etc etc.

So, basically you're damned if you do, & damned if you don't re: religion.
If only we had the simple religion of peace. All religions seem to pooh pooh each other yet many have the same "Jesus" type prophet. If we could just have tolerance above everything, religion would be good for those that need it. I feel like a hippie saying it . . .but why can't we just have peace and love?
by Rice
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