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With updated technology, do you still have to charge your mobile phone often?

by Finy (follow)
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With new technology, how often do you now have to charge your mobile/cell phone?

#Charge phone
#Charge mobile
#Charge cell
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I don't need to charge as often as I was which was almost every day or second day. I updated to an I phone 6 and the battery lasts longer on this.
by Finy
I have to charge my phone at least once a day. I use it for everything from checking emails, googling or using the maps. I also believe that this isn't only because of the amount I use it but that batteries do not seem to last as long. My Nokia brick back in the day could go a week without being charged and I did a LOT of talking and texting. My iPhone however seems to drain within a few hours of use. Not only that but the new phones now are so fragile that I've had to buy all these extra bits and pieces like heavy duty cases and spare chargers in case they break.
Every few days
by Fran
I no longer bother with having a mobile phone as I have no use for one,so I do not need to worry about regular charging of one!!
I have a bad habit of doing it every day, that is because my old phone needed that!

But I am going to stop, as a friend of mine said you really will cook the battery?

Just took it off cook....after seeing this question.
No, I'm stuck with it until it breaks. Touching wood it has lasted about a year so far.
Totally misread the question. I charge my phone every day. It's usually good for a whole day unless I've been running a pedometer ap, in which case the battery gets used up faster.
My phone is still old technology.... it's over 10 years old, hardly uses any battery so I only have to charge it once in a blue moon. It's the modern ones that use up all the power with cameras, internet surfing, games......
I charge mine every night while I sleep, even though it usually doesn't need it. Since I am always on call for work, I need to ensure it's always charged.
For an 'elderly' Nokia, the battery lasts a long time, BUT I don't use it that often!
I have to charge my phone everyday
by AJ
I don't use my phone often. Prefer my laptop for internet surfing,emails etc so my battery lasts a few days.
My husband & I have very old fashion mobile phones. We turn them off a night, & change them up about twice a week.
Every evening or it won't get through the next day. I wish I'd got my good old weekly charge Nokia fixed instead of replacing it.
I have the battery saver function turned on all the time and donlt use the phone other than for phone calls so only have to charge once every 10 days or so. There is a warning that battery saver prevents some apps from working and that's fine with me.
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