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Will you or your partner have time off from work during the festive season?

by Finy (follow)
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Will you and/or your partner have time off over Christmas and the Festive season, or will you only have public holidays off?

#Time off
#Festive season
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I retired from work 43yrs & 8 months ago, & my husband took a very good redundancy package
in 2003, so every day is a holiday for us!
by Miro
Wonderful . .! Enjoy every day :-))
by Rice
We hope to be in Melbourne again, this coming 'festive' season! Our daughter & her partner get about 2/3 weeks off, so we can spend some time together, & he likes driving us to Ballarat & Bendigo showing us the sights & taking us to art galleries, although we do use public transport a great deal about the Melbourne CBD, & always to & from their place. We usually have my Sydney family get-to-gether earlier in Dec, only because I still have my Mum.
by Miro
Being retired, I do not work. However I do voluntary work which is, I suppose, the same thing!
I go in 3 times a week, and yes, we are closing all Save the Children op shops for 10 days or so over the break. I disagree with this as it is when people have time to shop etc, however it is not up to me.

I would not take time off if I had the choice as one day is the same as the next and I do not understand why there are two days holiday AFTER Xmas if it falls on a weekend!
by Finy
My husband works over Christmas this year and he doesn't get public holidays off unless he is rostered off. He will be working part of Christmas day, which means triple time pay. I do volunteer work, and that does not stop just because it is Christmas. I might take Boxing day off, but then I will get back into it. I visit nursing homes year round. It's sweet. If I am sick or something and don't go on my appointed day to any of the nursing homes, they ring me up to see where I am as they miss me (the residents). My husband and I are going to Tasmania in February. We try to avoid holidaying over the school holidays period.
I have two weeks off for the holidays. This time will take in some amount of catching up on work I have missed over the months.
I have a little time off, as I only work part time.
Life for me is very much the same, and have not had a holiday in years.So I'm ok with that. :)
I am not working at the moment so I'm off everyday! My husband will only have time off on the public holidays.
by AJ
Yes,it is true we have to take off time during festivities as we have to do all the preparations for the festival at home and a lot of shopping.
Yes! We are both retired!!!!!! I love the holidays.
I imagine my husband will have only PH off. As for me, I will have time off the little paid work I do. Of course, all the unpaid work continues! LOL.
by Vee
I likely will be. My job has me on-call at all times. I don't have to put in that many hours, but I have to be available whenever I'm called.
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