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Will you instal the new Windows 10?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

There is a new version of Microsoft Windows out, and they keep asking if we want to instal it.

Will you instal this latest version?

#Windows 10
#Operating system
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I stupidly had this done when I had a technician here to do a few other things.

I have all sorts of problems now and am having to let the technician "remote access" my computer as half the things I used to do, I cannot do.

I do not doubt that Windows 10 is a good version however as it has some good features, but until I sort everything out this could be a while.

The worst thing is the uploading of photos from my camera -takes twice as long and have not yet figured out how to do this correctly.....

If it aint broke, dont fix it, should have been my motto!
by Finy
windows 10 is so not worth using! there are more reasons not too....than just teach concerns.I take it you may not know about it's issues?
by jonaja
I will be waiting until they iron the bugs out. I am related to a tech, so I get the good oil ;-))
by Rice
don't upgrade...seriously.
by jonaja
I think I won't . . what I have works just fine. If you think it is that bad, I'll be leaving well enough alone.
by Rice
it is worth upgrading if you have someone who can help -there are some good features in this version and my problems are now mostly sorted out, apart from one
by Finy
I did an automatic update a while back,and as with everything new,I was not the happiest little computer-illiterate elf on the planet!!! But I am completely used to it now and even prefer certain aspects of it!! I only do very basic things on my computer anyway,so it is not really a big deal to me at all!!
I stupidly had this done when I had a technician here to do a few other things.

I have all sorts of problems now and am having to let the technician "remote access" my computer as half the things I used to do, I cannot do.

I do not doubt that Windows 10 is a good version however as it has some good features, but until I sort everything out this could be a while.

The worst thing is the uploading of photos from my camera -takes twice as long and have not yet figured out how to do this correctly.....

If it aint broke, dont fix it, should have been my motto!
by Finy
No I won't.

I like to have my privacy...what little is left!
Big Brother, huh?
by Rice
Like you would not believe!...Big Time....
by jonaja
Ohhhhhh. Nasty.
by Rice
big brother? what has upgrading to Windows 10 got to do with privacy?
by Finy
Put it this way....I will never use it, and I need a computer..every day for work.
by jonaja
From what I have learnt Windows 10 is free to download and install and ofcourse it is the latest. But it will work only if your existing Windows is an 8 if not it will keep stalling. As mine is Windows 7 I have decided to leave it at that.
Yes. We have it on our computer.
In my absence, my husband put it on our laptop. It is the pits if you are only semi-literate with computing. Fortunately he did not get to the desktop. Had I been around I would have advised him not to as I had not heard a good word about it. There are instructions for ridding your computer of it if it has not been installed for over two weeks. Google them..
I was told only yesterday not to do it, no matter what. It has caused many problems for people who have.
I have Windows 8 and really don't like it as 7 was much better. I'd made my own short cuts which saved heaps of time but with 8 it's not as easy to do that and it annoys me when I can't do things quicker than from a menu. As with all Microsoft releases they never iron out the bugs before releasing the product so 10 is a definite no-no for me.
No need to as we have a Mac. I wouldn't anyway. I think these updates are unnecessary.
by Vee
After all the kinks are ironed out. May install it virtually just to test it out. I do repairs sometimes so its good to be up to date with what is happening.
Yes once any glitches' have been sorted out.
It seems like every time Microsoft release a new version of Windows there are always faults with the first edition release?
I want to but I haven't yet installed it
by AJ
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