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Will you have a Christmas tree in 2016?

by Finy (follow)
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Will you have a Christmas tree this year?

#Christmas tree
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No, I do not have Christmas trees - never have - oh, not true - think we had one once when my ex had small children.

by Finy
I am putting up my tree on Sunday. My tradition is to decorate the tree with strictly antique ornaments (Shiny Brites, Kugels, etc...) while jamming to old school rap music.
what country are you in Polly? you say kugels?
by Finy
America. Wisconsin.
by Polly
Kugels are ornaments made in Germany in the early 1900s. The are heavy hand blown glass and have an elongated raspberry look to them. They are valued at a few hundred dollars each. I found two at a resale shop mixed in with a bunch of worthless ornaments for $3. Sweet. I joke that I have a $1,000 Christmas tree that I got for free by selling a string of antique lights on Ebay.
by Polly
No...I use too, 25 years ago, but stopped due to personal reasons, and don't intend to pick it up again.
Always, so 2016 is no different
No I will not have one. I have actually never had one. My family is not into decorating that much.
I doubt it, I haven't had one for years and I gave my 8 foot tree and all the decorations away and I've never been really Christmassy.
by Rice
The ONLY time I have ever had Christmas Trees was when my son was VERY small. They have never been a priority with me ,and the dogs think they are just things to have fun pulling apart!!!
A small one which will sit on Dining table!

Yes - I always do. I bought a new black Christmas tree in the sales after Christmas last year. Am hoping it will look "cool" as the young man in the shop said when I bought it. Have decided on a red and black colour scheme this year. I always have a theme planned but never stick to it though as I have so many tree decorations which hold memories of family, holidays, events etc. Will probably end up with the usual mish-mash of decorations. I love seeing a Christmas tree with all the decorations and twinkling lights, especially at night time.
Sorry meant to say red and silver colour scheme.
by norma
My husband got out our Christmas tree yesterday. The box is still sitting where he put it, so who knows when it will go up. Plenty of time before the big day ...
We will have a Christmas tree this year
by AJ
Absolutely! We put up the tree and decorate, picking a cooler weekend day at the end Nov/beginning Dec. We turn on an appropriate movie (Miracle on 34th St or similar) or listen to Christmas carols. We couldn't have Christmas in our home without our beautiful tree.

Yes, I love tree shopping and decorating the Christmas tree! Although having pets around always makes it fun to re-hang the ornaments every other day haha.
Yes it is saved in the loft, and will be put up 12 days before Christmas and taken down 12 days afterwards.
My wife loves to dress the tree and it has about 6 sets of electric lights.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Na! We haven't bothered having a tree, since our kids left home. We either go to 1 of my sisters of Christmas, our daughters in another state, or our 2nd son-in-law's parents place, who are of cause living in the same state as our daughter.
by Miro
P.S. We only ever had fresh trees, & when 1 of them died, after Christmas, I'd shake off the needles, & put it under the house, then the following year, I would spray paint it black, so it would set off the 2 Christmas colours for that year, so not only are the decorations only 2 shades of colour, all the wrapping paper is as well. I had a list of the colours from 1980ish-2025!
by Miro
Yes, a small live one, as we do every year. I love the smell.
Oops I should have said a real one, not a live one. We have used a live one in a pot once or twice, but I prefer to get a larger cut one (well larger than our pot plant one, it's still relatively small as xmas trees grow, about 6ft) delivered.
My wife and I were just talking about that yesterday. She suggested we don't bother having a tree this year, but I think it would sad to not have a tree up. It's always been an important holiday for both of us, but we don't really celebrate it anymore except having a tree. I don't know, we'll likely talk about more. It's still up in the air.
Just do it while listening to upbeat music. It gets fun once you get started. The next thing you know you'll be wearing a Santa suit and baking gingerbread men. LOL
by Polly
And a drum roll please..... Here is my Christmas tree for 2016.
Here is my antique decorated tree that I decorated to old school skater rap. Every ornament is at least 50 years old. I just love my antiques.
I've just come across your pretty Christmas tree, Polly, in May 2018. And to think those decorations are all at least 50 years old. That is amazing! How did you find them all? Are some from antique fairs, or did you buy them on line?
by Miro
Hi Polly, Where did you find all those 50 year old + Christmas decorations? Were they family ones, ones you found on e-bay, or op shop ones? I just found your reply in June '18, after asking you before that, in May '18!
by Miro
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