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Will you go and see the new Star Wars movie?

by Finy (follow)
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Will you go and see the new Star Wars movie?

#Science fiction
#Star Wars
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Probably not!
I have not seen the last few so doubt if I would see this one.
I would rather see a comedy even though I like Sci Fi.

There has been too many of these!
by Finy
Yes,way too many!!! It seems as though the studios are just thinking of the money they shall make,rather than the movie they have made!
by Jules
George Lucas was always going to make nine movies right from the start, He started in the middle three because technology wasn't there to make the first three episodes at the time (1977). Now Disney who own the current rights can make the last three with Lucas assistance who still owns the special effects company, ILM...( Industrial Light and Magic) BTW there are 36 Abbot and Costello movies, 220 of the Three Stooges, 100 of Roy Rogers and I think I have made my point not to mentions the current ones of the Fast and Furious etc etc etc
by brigi
Probably not, although I'm sure it will be good.
Totally agree with Finy. I doubt that I will see it even though I do like SciFi. I never saw the others in a cinema and doubt that I have seen any of them from beginning to end. It seems the older I get, the less patience I have for movies.
by Rice
Actually I would agree with you there Rice, however my kids got me several series of Dr Who that I will watch! I hae patience for that -for me, I think, Star Wars is too much action/killing etc
by Finy
Way to go Finy! My head is crammed with Doctor Who. 52 years' worth. Enjoy :-)
by Rice
I'm really not feeling the movies these days. I rather a one hour drama on TV.
by Gia
I think I'm with you there, Gia :-)
by Rice
I don't think we will go and see it. I have never been a Star Wars fan
by AJ
Somehow,I doubt it. Mainly because I saw the very first one made back in 1977,and it was so clever and ahead of its time in regards to special effects as well as storyline! I know that much of the recent CGI movies have been rather spectacular,but what happened to good old-fashioned acting and clever special effects WITHOUT relying on computer programmes?!
I shall most likely watch it when it comes to TV,but I couldn't sit so long in a cinema seat without crying with pain these days!!
I felt the same about Superman when it came out (37 years ago!!!). It was so stunning back then, such incredible special effects . . . Christopher Reeve flying. Wow.
by Rice
It's weird thinking that all these now classics were made so long ago!! I do not feel as though I could possibly be the age I am , and then you have to go and put these things in numbers!!! Bad Girl!!! Naughty Girl!!!
by Jules
I will go and sit in the corner. (after I get back with my lychees) =^..^=
by Rice
Yes,if you are going to put yourself into the corner,you may as well enjoy something luscious while you are there!!! Good girl!!
by Jules
We booked online, and were there when it opened on the day...weren't we 'Vee' :)

It was great, and I'm not telling what happened to the story, you have to go see it.
Hehe, yes we were, jonaj. :) I'm afraid I can't say much about the film either. ;)
by Vee

by jonaja
No. Not interested.
Possibly. Probably. Haven't made final decision yet! More interested in seeing 'Sufragette'.
Loved the Original three.

Didn't see the next 3. By all reports, I didn't miss anything, by doing that!

So Episode VII? Hmmm. Time will tell!
we went on opening day was fun esp that it was the childs first starwars screening ( the other have just been on the tv)
I went last Saturday and enjoyed it very much. I will probably go again and take my daughter (I wanted to make sure it was suitable for her first, and enjoy it myself without interruptions).
Son and I went to see it yesterday. I wouldn't have gone on my own to see it as there are other movies that are more my taste. However, I find it's good to see a movie, listen to music etc that is different from my own taste, every now and then.
I didn't see the 1st ones at the pictures, only on the tv, so I'll wait until it comes on the tv. I'm certainly not fussed about seeing it. I'd rather spend the movie ticket money on something else!
by Miro
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