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Will you be watching the Paralympics this year?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

The Paralympics are due to start in Rio.

Are you going to watch any of these events?

Do you find them more interesting than the Olympics?

#Gold medal
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I really don't know. I guess it depends when it is on. I didn't watch much of the Olympics, so I can't see why the Paralympics should be any different.
Yes, I will probably watch some of them. I am not interested in things like basketball, or many ball games, however I find it absolutely fascinating at the ability of these disadvantages people.

The effort they must put in is amazing, and they are only to be admired for even attempting to do their sport.

I therefore find it more interesting as I was, quite frankly, rather bored with the Olympics apart from some of the swimming.

How a person without limbs can swim so quick is quite beyond me, and the extra effort it must take, is so amazing.
by Finy
Yes, I will probably try to catch a couple of the events. It should be interesting.
I do love them, but sadly this year we have a lot going on, so t.v. is only watched maybe for me 3-4 hrs a week.(for me).
They are amazing people, bless their hearts for getting involved, giving others hope and showing life can be overcome! Bravo.!! :)
No, sorry, interest level, zilch, BUT I do think that they're wonderful achievers', & are a big inspiration to able-bodied persons', to be grateful.
I have always found the Paralypmics far more inspiring that the Olympic Games and usually do watch some of the events if I am able to. I have so much admiration and respect for these athletes and truly find these games far and away more interesting for me to watch than the events in many able-bodied competitions.
My goodness: to be so cheerful and positive in the face of such adversity is a lesson to those who take their far easier(physically)lifestyles for granted!!
I most certainly will be. These people are amazing individuals.
Probably not as TV is never high on my agenda. I missed most of the recent olympics so I can't imagine I would be any better at watching the paralympics. They are inspirational athletes in my opinion.
by Rice
Yes I will watch it, if it's going to be shown, but so far, I've only seen a few minutes of it. They don't
show it, like they showed the Olympics though, & the Paralympics win far more medals!!!
by Miro
Hell yeah! It's so inspiring and makes me genuinely appreciate my health, whilst sitting here completely agog and in awe of the talent of those with fewer limbs than my own. Truly, truly inspiring.
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