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Why is women's work undervalued by society?

by lizzi (follow)
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A midwife will never earn as much money as a doctor. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Without fail (I think!) industries that are dominated by women are paid less than those dominated by men. Why do YOU think this is the case?

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We really really are in some ways back a tad in the ''old days''.
I have my whole life wanted to be ''worth'' something as far as paid work.Yet! sadly women are paid less.
It drives me crazy, and has always been a big bone with me.

They need to UP Womens Wages, and rights big time.
I'm over it!!

p.s....you can tell a GREAT Deal about a man, who doesn't feel it needs addressing.
Great question to ask any man first? before getting involved.

A B S O L U T E L Y ! Vital for you to discuss the need to work situation BEFORE you get too involved, and definitely before you get pregnant.
by fran.
Because we've always looked after the house (or cave) and children, and because men have always worked away from the house (or cave). Even now, they leave home to earn money, but earning money is valued in our society whereas childcare and housework isn't viewed as a job, it's viewed as leisure. The combination of patriarchy and capitalism isn't working well for women.
It seems so bizarre to me that something like, saying, changing a pooey nappy or washing clothes can be seen as leisure. I once had a male friend tell me that he leaves his girlfriend to do all the housework because he didn't enjoy it. Uh huh. Seems fair.

For some reason I'm reminded of a line from a Darren Hanlon song: "If I had a dollar for every time I didn't get paid...I would have been paid."
Old values die hard.
Mainly because we allow it.. In my career I've never been paid less than male counterparts.. I won't not tolerate it, not for an instant..

I'm loud and blunt. Most men are by their own admission birth in awe and fear off me. I intend to show more women how to assert their power in life. And take control of who they are.

Go sisters. We must stand up and be counted.
Demand fairness and refuse to bow until we are heard
by cbt
I think that it has to do with keeping women in the home. If we pay less money for their "work" they won't feel so inclined to go out and work will they?! Especially when you look at the cost of childcare - It costs around $500 per week per child for most daycare (if you don't get the rebate) so for most families with more than 1 child it's just not financially feasible for women to go out and work.
I think that the society is slow in compensating women for the valuable contributions they have made to its development.
Of course a midwife will never earn as much as a doctor -she is not as skilled, has not done the same training as a doctor, so why should she?

If a midwife runs into a problem, who does she call? A DOCTOR hence she should not be paid the same.

I know several women who earn more than my ex partner who was a FIFO worker, so I do not really believe that "without fail" industries dominated by women are paid less -many industries nowadays are dominated by both sexes -just look at major banks and huge companies -many of the CEO's are women and get paid HUGE, ridiculous wages, the same as their men counterparts.
by Finy
It's kind of comparing apples and oranges, but many midwives (the term can mean different things) do a LOT of training. The one who assisted me with the birth of my second baby had two degrees (nursing and midwifery) and many years of experience. Given the vital importance of midwifery, which saves many lives, I think the profession should be more highly paid and highly valued than it is. Childcare, teaching and nursing are also dominated by women and paid very poorly. However, some more valued industries like medicine are gradually being taking over by women, with more and more women doctors. I don't think banking is one of those industries, though I'd have to look it up. I suspect the proportion of female CEOs of major companies is still relatively small and that the ones that exist stand out precisely because they are unusual.

The gender pay gap does certainly exist within many professions. Have a look at the Australian Bureau of Statistics stats on average wages for men and women if you like. To pick one example, the female stars of American Hustle were paid 2% less than the male stars, including Jennifer Lawrence, who was the main drawcard of the movie and on all the posters.

Forgot to add the link: http://www.vogue.co.uk/news/2014/12/15/jennifer-lawrence-paid-less-than-male-co-stars-for-american-hustle
Nurses in Australia are well paid and have very good working conditions aand have done since 1984. Midwives might be paid less that other nurses but that is because their own nursing colleagues don't seem to think the work of midwives is really as worthwhile (also surgeons don't think that obstetricians are actually surgeons). But no way are nurses underpaid.
by fran.
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