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Why is the sky blue?

by Finy (follow)
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Why is the sky blue?

#Blue sky
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I just looked up my own questions and here is quote:
sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.
Silly questions!!!
by Finy
Other things affect the colour too, like clouds and pollution.
I did learn the answer to this one at school and it is something to do with light molecules I think! I prefer to think it is because all the little Sky Fairies get out there just before Dawn and throw their magic Fairy Dust in just the right shade of Sky Blue evenly all through the upper atmosphere!!! That sounds so very much nicer than a scientific answer,don't you agree?!!!
Interesting answers to this question
by AJ
by Finy
Finy ! you no like my answer?...lol
by jonaja
I'm not sure i it also has something to do with the reflection of the sea towards the sky. I heard that a while ago, but I'm not sure if it is true or not.
It's the other way around. The sea looks blue because it reflects the sky.
I get several of these kind of questions a day from my almost 4 year old son. I think I'll have to start posting them on Answer Angels and share the work of answering them around!
The sky is not always blue. it is a whole lot of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful shades of red/pink.
I think the sky is blue for a lot of reasons. Apart from the scientific reasons, It is such a soothing colour. I don't think my eyes would like it if each time I look at the sky and it was a bright colour instead of the beautiful shade of blue.
But the fact that you like it isn't why it's that way. If you could just make random things in the world the colour you preferred that would be a neat superpower. If I had it I'd go around making skinheads brown just to make their heads explode.
People get blue so why not the sky?
The sky is blue,
the day is clear,
The sun is shining bright,
The air is fresh,
And the conditions for
A picnic is just right!

Strictly speaking it's not. It is all to do with reflected light, white light, scattered blue light, clouds, pollution and a variety of other causes. Check out Rayleigh Scattering on Google - it explains it scientifically.
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