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Why is the film Frozen so popular?

by VerityG (follow)
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Elsa Anna Frozen Disney popular film movie snowman
By MaddyInDisneyland (Flickr:Elsa and Anna) via Wikimedia Commons

The Disney film "Frozen" seems to have swept pretty much everyone away with its characters and catchy songs. Everywhere I go, there are shops full of Frozen products - everything conceivable and inconceivable has been adapted for the brand! Little girls seem to be permanently dressed as Anna or Elsa and everyone knows the words and tune to Let It go, even my son who has never even seen the film.

So why is the film "Frozen" so popular? Is it really that much better than any other film?!

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Top Answers
I haven't seen it, so I wouldn't know, but I do know of people who are crazy about it.
by Vee
It's so popular because the two main characters are women, and they save each other. Normally the men do the saving, even when the movie is about a woman. Do I think it's any different? Yes and no. I see it as a step in the right direction but quite frankly it's time to stop stepping and run at full kilter.
I haven't seen the whole movie, only small pieces of it, but the bits I've seen haven't seemed any more special than any other Disney movie or similar.... but it must have some sort of magic to be causing the mass hysteria!
Even my son sings all the songs and recognises all the characters despite not having watched it properly....
I have to say when you get people like my quite big 22 yr old son, singing it and saying how much he loves the movie?
You have to ask...yes 'why' is it.
I thought about this weeks ago, and had to come to the conclusion it is the songs and content and the singer

The story is pretty much in my opinion a good movie but nothing too different.If you watch it, with no Sound!

Only when the sound is introduced, you find that is the key.
The happy-sing along-great lyrics.

That is what has got people in....I believe.
I agree.
not entirely sure... just that the trend was rising beginning of this year and now it is a little of an over-kill. But the kids love it!
I am so over Frozen. My Miss 15 is obsessed with it!
''Let it go''~~~''Let it go''~~~~~~
by jonaja
Not a clue.
by Rice
I've never seen frozen, but I guess it may be the song that has something to do with it.
I've never seen frozen, but I guess it may be the song that has something to do with it.
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