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Why is the blonde Barbie the most popular?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
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Mattel makes Barbie in all (hair) colours and races, yet the blonde haired, blue eyed Barbie is the most popular seller.

This means most people want a doll that doesn't look like themselves. Given that it's usually the adults buying the toy, why do we promote this image?

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She just comes across as prettier and more popular that other Barbie dolls. The clothes she wears plays a part as well. I don't know why we promote this image, yet it is a toy many of us were given as kids, and enjoyed playing with them at the time. My kids won't get any.
I think she just happens to be the one people are most familiar with. When Barbie came out, that was her original appearance, and adults who buy Barbies for their kids recognise that image as Barbie. They don't necessarily associate the other looks as the same doll.
She's the original, and she seems to be promoted the most. As a kid I don't think I even knew there were Barbies of any other races.

I have bought my daughter a Xena "Barbie", so it's not blonde. I think she'll like it as a Xena and Wonder Woman fan but she'd probably like a blonde one too since she happens to be blonde herself. It seems natural to prefer dolls that look like you, but it's a pity if little girls of colour don't get that opportunity.
Blonde hair has always caught the human eye.
It has to do with colour more...That's all, it stands out.
A test was done once years ago, and people looked at the lighter shade of hair.
Mattel knew this all along.
Why do we promote this image, well it is what the eye responds too at first.
I think she is the most popular simply because she is the most promoted Barbie - the one that is on commercials and in print media so when people think Barbie, they think blonde. I know that as a little kid, I always wanted the blonde one even though I have brown hair and brown eyes. To me as a kid she was the "real" Barbie.
marketing and culture. Its the most promoted and society pushes the ideal of the blonde as the status symbol for women.
by Gia
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