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Why do younger babies smile while sleeping ?

by dwatk (follow)
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Why do younger babies smile while sleeping ?

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I have never noticed this, but I am sure it is not because they are happy. Maybe they are having a nice dream. Either that, or they are passing a lot of wind !!!
I wonder if babies who smile in their sleep smile more as adults . . . or if we perceive it as smiling and it is just their little muscles working out. . . hmmmmm. *ponders*
by Rice
They know nothing else but a warm place to be, loving arms of parents, and they are looked after so ''why not'' : ) they certainly have no reason not to smile.

All part of how we work as humans with one another, I have seen a great deal of babies smiling, and it seems to me that they are Happy!
Not a clue. I like to let sleeping babies lie. Preferably in another room. In another house. In a different town. Hopefully soon.
by Rice
Haven't you moved yet, Rice?
by Lluxi
. . . *sigh* . . . no Lluxi .. . still trying . . . I did visit my new house on Christmas day. LOL.
by Rice
Where's your new house going to be?
Can't believe you're leaving leafy 'K'........
by donjo
I'm going to be freezing my A off up on the Downs. Sick of being so far from my daughter.
by Rice
I have a friend who lives on the Downs, Rice xx
by Lluxi
I do not think it is a "smile
" as young babies cannot smile.....It is often wind or an automatic facial movement but babies, or rather young ones, cannot smile as a reaction?
by Finy
Babies are so innocent and beautiful whilst they sleep, I'm sure that is part of the reason Anne Geddes takes their photos, and I guess they must be having a beautiful dream while they are sleeping, who knows? maybe their guardian angels have something to do with it!
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