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Why do women wear makeup?

by Pauline (follow)

makeup, why do women wear makeup?
Cosmetic, Source: Wikipedia

Do you wear makeup everyday? Why or why not? What do you wear the most? Can you ever leave the house without makeup? Does make up boost self-esteem / self-confidence? I wear minimal makeup to avoid looking too pale but just curious about other women's thoughts.

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I never wear make-up. I'm very much a tomboy, and don't wear skirts or dresses either. I do like to look and feel pretty, but I don't think make-up is the way to do it. I see it as a mask. Make-up might improve your appearance slightly, but it is not the real you, and deep down you know that that is not what you really look like. Use face cream and moisturisers instead, to improve your natural beauty.
Great questions! My cheeks are pink all the time so I always wear foundation to cover up the redness otherwise people ask if I am embarrassed or too hot. Lol then I go even redder very annoying!
I think that if I wasn't as red and didn't have so many freckles that I wouldn't wear it all the time. The only time I would ever leave the house without makeup would be if I was really sick or in an emergency! :)
I love lipstick and wear it even when I go out to drop my children off at school. It freshens the look and cheers the person wearing it and the people they meet. It's the easiest thing to apply and carry in your purse, bag, laptop bag, or any other type of accessory. Lipsticks come in all colours, so a light skin colored for the daytime, and a dark red for a night outing would be perfect.
Absolutely, to feel great for starters. Liquid mineral cover is also fantastic for covering up any pimples on the face area. Lip balm is technically make up, and it is a real godsend to give extra moisture to those dry lips.
Women wear makeup to look presentable, to look beautiful and to enjoy a boost in self-confidence. However, makeup is not mandatory in making one beautiful and confident. Makeup can be perceived as a tool to aid in self betterment, it is one of the many tools available to us.
I have always worn make-up.

If I am just going shopping, I don't wear it...couldn't be bothered.

If I am going to work, or a movie or church yes...I have to wear it.
I would feel yuck not too.

Yes, I guess without it I would have less self esteem for sure.

I have a sponge foundation, blusher, mascara...eye liner, and lipstick.
I wear them all at the same time.

I also may...just from time to time wear a little blush on its own.

I wear make up 3 days a week...I like to leave my skin clean the others, give it a rest.

Can't wait to get it off my face when I get home.

I don't like to wear make up because, like Bryony, I see it as a mask and it can take too much time to apply, not to mention that much of it contains chemical nasties and is tested on animals. I'd rather sleep in an extra twenty minutes and have the added benefit of appearing rested. That is not to say that I don't like the way I look when I wear it. I do feel more attractive when I wear make-up. I wear a light mineral foundation, some blusher and lip gloss. Sometimes I will also wear eyeshadow. I usually wear make up to special occasions and sometimes to church. I'm not one to wear make up everyday. I can't imagine that would be good for one's skin.
by Vee
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