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Why do men only have suits as formal wear?

by Gia (follow)
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Why do men only have suits as formal wear while women have such a variety of styles to choose from?

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Men in western cultures only have suits. Although the scots have kilts, and men in other cultures have lots of interesting dress wear.
A suit is rather basic but a man in a well tailored suit with a well dressed woman on is arm is a perfect combo. Its as if she makes him look good.
by Gia
That's what I want to know too. I've often wondered about this. I'm interested to see the following responses.
Interesting question - interesting too that women waste so much time in comparison to men when it comes to dressing up. Perhaps that is the point - keep the women busy with unimportant things, while the men waste no time getting down to business.
by Vee
So right Vee !
by BK
by Vee
I suspect it is rooted in history but there is nothing to say a woman cannot wear a suit should she so wish. I'm inclined to think not many would so wish when there are so many glamourous evening dresses to be had.
Let's face it! Men's' attire is pretty basically boring, isn't it?
Trousers, Shirt, Tie, Shoes & Socks!
Can't do THAT much with such a limited wardrobe!
Who would want to wear a suit every day!
by Finy
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