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Why are sports so important for kids?

by megha (follow)
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Why are sports so important for kids?

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It's important for kids to be active and fit young as it improves health, coordination and brain development, as well as dicipline and team work depending on the sports. Besides which, it's good fun, and makes habits for later in life.
With the ever changing lifestyles we had over the last 15 years, sport has to be that saving grace.Bad diets, too much watching t.v. and the worse is 'gaming'..Even on lovely sunny days, they want to stay inside.
Getting more and more unfit, as every passing day go's by.

It's not as if they lived in Russia! where the weather is below freezing in winter.Australia is a amazing country, yet they want to stay glued to those
games and t.v.
Sports helps with mental health, physical, and total general well being.It is vital for growing bones, and the child's full stop.
So they can get exercise, have fun, and release energy in a productive and non destructive way.
A lot of organized sports also teach discipline and help the kids to develop social skills apart from all the health benefits identified in the other answers.
It's great for them to get into the habit of exercising and meeting people and learning about teamwork is god too.
There are so many skills which are developed in sports. Hand/eye co-ordination, brain development, language skills, conflict resolution, team dynamics, learning to celebrate the successes of your peers, obtaining a more global view, setting and reaching goals, joy that comes from having a purpose and contributing to a group effort. It is also important for muscle and bone development, maintaining a healthy weight, preventing adult onset diabetes and obesity. It might have been quicker to ask me to respond to "why isn't sport important for kids?"
It helps them develop into well-rounded human beings, in every way possible.

For an Employer, if an Applicant has played multiple sports, usually means they get on with all sorts of differing human traits, which makes for a good employee.
Sports are fantastic for kids because it teaches them discipline, routine, keeps their brains active, there are myriad reasons, not to mention, keeping them in peak health and making them aware of themselves, encouraging healthy competition, I could go on.

My sisters and I were very sporty when we were younger. Although we didn't carry on much during our late teens, it really helped us, as little ones with so much energy, to get involved in every sport going!
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