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Why are reading activities so important to kids?

by megha (follow)
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Why are reading activities so important to kids?

# activities
# reading
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As a student speech pathologist, it's important for kids to develop their reading skills for vocabulary development, inferencing skills, receptive and expressive language skills.
Reading activities help build concentration which helps focus on one thing at a time and at the same time takes the kids to another land which in turn improves their imagination.
I think it is important for children to connect the dots, and reading activities do exactly that. The story goes with the illustration and if they do activities based on the book, then they can remember the storyline and understand its meaning much better. It also helps them in learning how to read and write and recognizing sentence structure. So much to gain with such activities.
So that they can learn to read in an interactive way. Just reading lines of text is very intimidating. Activities makes reading fun and more sociable.
Everyone's answers so far have hit valid points, but I think there is so much more to reading than educational purposes. It is great bonding time, your tone of voice changes when you read and children seem to pick up on it and find comfort in the tone. It allows children to explore with their imaginations in a controlled and safe environment.
Brain development, language development, vocabulary development, imagination development, hand/eye co-ordination social connection and connection to parents. Let's face it, the world is so fast paced that often opportunities for connection with our children are missed. A good book will slow you all down so you can connect in a way which is not possible in any other activity. Am I book lover? YES, YES, YES
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ID: 16798
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