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Why are people still ostracised and discriminated against for mental illness?

by Polly (follow)
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Why in 2016 are people still ostracized and discriminated against for having a mental illness?

#Mental Illness
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I have no idea. Perhaps because it is an unseen illness, and often there is no known cause. People are wary of it. A lot of it has to do with misinformation and ignorance. With the emergence of high profile people admitting to depression and other illnesses, especially sports people, it may help. With cancer, it can be seen and proven on a scan, but mental illness is not so easy to diagnose or treat. It can take many years to get the right medication combination to control/treat it. Then there are the relapses. Even if you have stabilised, people are still labelled as being depressed, bipolar or schizophrenic for the rest of your life. You have to be very careful who to tell. You would never get a job if you told your employer, as I know someone in my family who suffers from mental illness, and know a LOT about it. It is all about ignorance and lack of education. People seem to be scared of them and seem to think that it is contagious. Despite 1 in 2 people having depression for example, you can lose friends over it. Beyond Blue is really starting to break down some of the stigma by talking about the issue. High profile people coming forward helps the public to see that it's okay to have a mental illness. More education is available through a variety of organisations. It is a hidden illness, so the extent of it can't be seen, and is hard to describe to others. In the case of depression for instance, telling someone to "Buck Up" or " Think Positive" is the worst thing you can say. Often, in those who are depressed, telling them to " Get out of bed and stop being lazy" shows a lot of ignorance, as it is not that easy for them. They are not malingerers, lazy, or " Putting it on". They are sufferers of a medical disease just as important as cancer. Many people with depression WILL commit suicide, and others will harm themselves by "cutting" themselves. I have seen it in many sufferers, so it can be a fatal illness. I have seen it in other types of mental illnesses as well. Mental illness is just as worthy as any other physical illness, and is not to be feared, just because you can't see it, or the suffering involved.
I think a lot of Hollywood movies have contributed to the fear and lack of understanding. "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" tops my list. It is not representative of mentally ill people or modern psychiatric hospitals.
by Lluxi
you got my vote, and said it so very very well : )

by jonaja
I believe the answer is simply that people fear what they don't understand. Fear drives actions like discrimination and ostracization. Simple and sad.
While some mentally ill persons have proven to be quite dangerous, that is not the case for most. I think it is primarily fear of the unknown just as people fear certain illnesses that are not even contagious. It also has to do with the need for human perfection in this age. Depression may be accepted but people who have serious mental deficiencies that can never be fixed just do not fit into societies mold. We have to remember that each person as imperfect as they are was meant to be here.
I suffer from severe depression, but take my medication and take care of myself the best I can. I have never been violent. 98 percent of the time I am a joy to be around and I have a great sense of humor. Stress or the feeling of being in "limbo" set me off. I love people, but sometimes they don't understand my behavior and don't even want to try. I just avoid them. My family, friends, and fiancé can tell when I am "off" and are always there to help me get back to my happy place. I think it makes me a stronger and more empathetic person. I am not quick to judge others. I am actually one of the most generous, forgiving, and kind people I know.
by Polly
Fear, plain and simple. People still have the image of mental illness being only that frothing, raving lunatic you see in movies. It is a shame we can't get it through peoples' thick skulls that mental illness takes many forms and most are mild and easily assisted with medication. Lluxi is so right . . .Cuckoo's Nest was horrifying to me and I cried buckets over it. In fact, I never discussed it with anybody as it upset me so much. When you see your parent die from PSP, you understand that mental illness is not "madness" and "madness" is actually a drop in the bucket of mental illness.
by Rice
Good question. I think a lot of it probably comes down to fear and ignorance. With depression and anxiety especially people who don't understand often expect sufferers to be able to just snap out of it through force of will, which is unrealistic. Mental illness sometimes is talked about like it's a moral failing, which is ridiculous since you don't get a choice in it any more than you do with physical illness. There's also a lot of shaming that goes on regarding seeking medical help for mental illness, especially medication. People with no medical qualifications whatsoever seem to feel free to tell others not to take their medication (because big pharma conspiracy blah blah blah blah) or to act like taking it is somehow immoral.
Thanks for your contribution.
by Polly
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