I suffer depression and anxiety, and if it were not for my very smart doctor...I don't know if I would be here today.
I take one little white pill at bedtime.
I function fine, and for ten years I just take each day as it comes.
You asked what do I think?...so this is my answer:
People try to do too much, they work long hours and their brains are over stimulated.
The lack of serotonin, is why it so important to see a doctor.
Depression can come on by a death of a loved one, but mainly in the wide population...it is also stress.Our lives are crazy now, and we can get done so much in just one day.
We were never intended to be so stressed and brain crazy, but yes it is on the rise...I also think of course years ago it was not acknowledged, but it was there.
Life was a lot slower, and no t.v...Just watching the news, and people loosing their heads, is enough to send some poor people over the edge.
We now see too much, we hear too much, and people get very run down quickly.
When you have young high school students taking their lives, because of the pressure of exams! It is a sign of our times, and we are not in control.
I pray for peace to come to me, and it does.
Not everyone has that belief, so they may drink too much, or eat too much or like one of my sons gamble too much.
Until people see they can not be all things to themselves,they will struggle.
We may 'have it easy' in that way. But our lifestyles today lack family and community spirit and support, we don't have enough time to spend with our families, we are constantly bombarded by images of perfection (which we cannot obtain but try to anyway). Throw in work pressure, peer pressure and the pressure we place on our selves to be everything to everyone and what you have there are just some of the reasons for the skyrocketing incidence of anxiety and depression.
jonaj, I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish you well.
My depression started when I first started 12 years ago to work with inmates in a maximum security jail.
But I had to still do it, so with the help of my doctor that little white tablet gave me back my life.I still am doing the work,but I just have to be careful not to get overload with life, and I only do a few hours a month life is good! :)