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Who wraps presents for your family?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
Christmas (129)      Gifts (51)      Wrapping (1)     

gift wrapping, traditional Japanese wrapping cloth, Christmas
Traditional Japanese wrapping cloth. Photo by katorisi, shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Is there one particular member of your family who tends to do all the gift wrapping at Christmas? If so, who is it?

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We do our own gift wrapping in our family. That way the gifts can be keep secret until the last minute. I mean, how can it be a secret if you let one person do all the gift wrapping?
It doesn't stay secret from that one person, but it doesn't need to. Gifts only really need to be a secret to the person they're a gift for. I'm not suggesting this is the best way to do it, it's just what happens in my family. I used to wrap gifts for our extended family as well because my Mum was much busier than me and didn't have time to do it. It seems to fall to the mum to do in a lot of families.
Usually its me on Christmas eve, but this year my husband took it all to work to do in his lunch break. I normally like to do it, but as my kids get older its harder to find hiding spots where they won't find things.
Yeah, it's tricky isn't it! At the moment I wrap the kids pressies while my daughter's at kindy and the youngest is sleeping but it will be much harder once he drops his day sleep.
Every family member wraps their own presents to give to other family members.
I end up doing most of the Christmas shopping and gift wrapping for our family, though my husband wraps presents for me from himself and the kids (though they "help"). I quite like doing it. I put on some Christmas music and get into the spirit of things. The kids sometimes help by making their own wrapping paper by printing or drawing on butcher's paper which can be fun.
That would be me!..... Lucky Lucky meeeeeeeeeeee!
Has been for decades...
Usually me, if they're gifts for our extended family, as my husband isn't into all the pretty decorations which I think is nice for the big day, and my daughter is pretty busy with her studies.
Only two of us left at home, so it's me, although my husband wraps a mean present for my occasions. I encouraged my grand daughter this Christmas, and she had great fun making decorated parcels. I notice that it has extended into the New Year, with parcel wrapping a big feature of yesterday's vacation care acivities.
Me. For everyone. But I leave my MIL's card blank because I think my partner should write in it (she knows I buy and choose the gift, and makes a point of thanking me, so it's silly really, I just think it's nicer for her if he does)
I do it. I enjoy it too. Is that "nerdy"?
by Vee
I'm with you on this one, & I don't think we're nerds! Just ladies' who like doing something well! Cheers!
by donjo
'Tis I, me, myself!
Love wrapping Chrissie presents!

My Mother used to cover my School Books, of all types. I had the neatest in the Grades, all through School! Mum then taught me how, & I just apply same to the pressies!
My mum and I had the same thing going. :) I was always so proud of my books.
by Vee
Yes, Vee, I hated having to 'loan' any of my books in class, in case the covers' got dirty! I saw it as an affront to my Mother's hard work, &, like you, I was VERY proud of my books. My Mum covered the 'books' in brown paper & the 'exercise books' in plastic. No 'Contact' in those days'. She had beautiful handwriting, & would write my name, name of the book & my Grade on the front covers. Aren't we funny little creatures!
by donjo
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