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Who is your favourite poet?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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Calligram by Guillaume Apollinaire.

Do you like the Romantic poets, the Beats or something a bit more modern?

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As far as Australian poetry goes, I love the works of Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson. While both poets write about the Australian bush and the outback characters of the late 1800s early 1900s, the mood of each writer is quite distinctly different. Paterson's work tends to be more romanticised and humorous, possibly due to his affluent and comfortable background, while Lawson is more of a realist, portraying the harshness of outback life, 'warts and all'.

I also enjoy the poetry of the Indigenous Australian poet Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker). She was also a political activist, artist and educator and wrote many powerful works about the plight of her people in the wake of colonisation. I first read her poems as a school girl and have enjoyed them ever since.

As far as English poetry goes, I love the works of the Romantic poets, especially that of William Wordsworth and John Keats as they were so sensitive to the moods of nature and expressed their feelings so poignantly. I recently visited Wordsworth's former home Dove Cottage (which is now a museum and literary shrine) at Grasmere in England's beautiful Lake District and was inspired by the breathtaking beauty of the area which he loved so much.
Believe it or not Leonard Cohen is a poet...and I enjoy his work.
I didn't know that. Must look into it.
I think he means a poet in the sense that the lyrics of the GoBetweens are. I think the time will come when they are studied as such.
by grann
Alfred Tennyson is the best!
For me it's Charles Bukowski. Some of his poems just really speak to me. I also love Dorothy Porter, Philip Larkin and Maya Angelou.
My favourite poet is Philip Larkin. I first studied him while doing my A-Levels, then again in university; he has rally grown on me. My second favourite is Seamus Heaney. I was saddened to hear that he had died. They have both inspired my own poetry.
I do love Bango Patterson very much.
I'm partial to Robert E. Howard, even though he's not primarily known for his poetry. It was only when I started reading his poems that I realized that poetry need not be just soft or silly, it could also be savage and wild.
I quite liked the work of Kim Cheng Boey, he is a Singaporean writer.. He's a sentimental author/poet and writes from place of nostalgia of the old times in Singapore. Worth a read..
Rumi - he has written some beautiful poetry in Persian language in the 14th century, but the poems have been translated by Coleman Barks mainly and others. His poems are beautiful. I LOVE him. Rumi is a sufi - a spiritual mystic.
I need to read some more Rumi. My husband gave me a cd of Sufi poetry a couple of years ago and it's beautiful.
Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda is my favorite. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971 - Highly recommend the brilliant film Il Postino, to learn more about his life in exile.
by Lucy
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Wordsworth, Goethe, Shakespeare, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Shelley & Byron.
Here, Lawson & Paterson.

Re-read my Grade XII set poetry book, 'The Poet's Pen', every year. Really brings back fond memories of learning.

Edgar Allan Poe, Spike Milligan and Oscar Wilde for me :)
I would have to say Christina Rossetti as I have always loved her poem "Goblin Market". I also like Rabbie Burns, but them I'm Scottish and was brought up with his poetry.
by norma
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