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Who is your favourite animated character or animated movie and why?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Entertainment (193)      Films (11)     
Lessons can be learnt from anyone, even if that someone is an animated character, playing a role in an animated movie.

Who is your favourite animated character and what is your favourite animated movie? Why?

animated movie, character

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My favourite is still Shrek. I think it started the animation trend and it is still one of the cutest, funniest stories around. Donkey is still my favourite animated character. I think I need a hug!
I would have to say Snoopy. He looks innocent, but is a cheeky little bugger. I see myself in him sometimes.
Cartoons are my favourite type of television entertainment, but I do not go for any of these new cartoons that they make today. I love animation from the Golden Era - Looney Tunes, Classic Disney, etc. My all time favourite character is Fred Flintstone. He has been my favourite ever since I was a young child, and has stuck with me ever since. I have no idea what it is about him or that show that makes me love it so much, but it holds a special place in my heart.
Garfield! I've grown up reading his comics! I guess he's kind of an animated character.
by WSW
The Minions, from Despicable Me. So cute.
Garfield. Ginger cats are kind of special...
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I have always loved.......... Wilma Flintstone

How she put up with Fred and knew how to handle him, the show was so funny.
Simba from the Lion King will always be one of my favourite animated characters. I still cry whenever I hear the opening African song and love watching it over and over. It's one of the classic animated movies ever made. Long live the King! Mandy E.
As far as kids' movies go, currently maybe Merida in Brave. In cartoons for adults my current favourite show is Archer. My favourite character in that is Pam because she's tough as nails and a little bit mad.
Daffy Duck. I adore him. So funny. They just don't make cartoons like that anymore. From 'modern' times I would say Scrat from Ice Age. When a character can be that funny when they don't actually say a word...brilliant.
My favourite animated character will always be 'Lady'.
Followed, very closely by, 'Si' & 'Am'!
These were all from Disney movie, 'Lady & the Tramp'.

My fave animated films, in order:

'Lady & the Tramp'.
I liked Shrek, that was a good one, and I still have the d.v.d I bought it for my son when he was into the animated movies, it was so well done!
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