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Who is in charge of the kitchen in your house?

by annep (follow)
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In this day and age, women have proved themselves capable of being more than a housewife who belongs to the kitchen. Men, on the other hand, have done a brilliant job showing us that the professional kitchen is primarily a male domain, with most great chefs being male. But what happens behind the scenes in private households? Who is really in charge of the kitchen in your family? Do you think men are better at managing the kitchen than women?

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In my house the only thing my dad goes to do is switch the kettle on, heat soup up in the microwave longer than necessary, cut himself a slice of bread, and leave crumbs everywhere. The cooking, dishing out, and washing up are left to my mum and I.
I am in charge. Although junior does help with the dishes occassionally, if I beg or bribe him.
I am in charge of the kitchen in my house. But then, I don't object to the idea of men cooking and cleaning, as long as they do a proper job of it. The problem is sometimes they just cook but never clean up. I would hate to see a mountain in the sink after a meal.
I have always been in charge of my Kitchen.

When I was young, I did jobs that were in Kitchens in Clubs and the like, so I
gained a few skills.
Having said that, I was never an outstanding cook.Just good enough to make a nice meal.
I believe that Men really are the better Chef's.They have excelled in this domain, and it is a very hard and fast job.They work long hours, and the stamina needed is nothing short of running a small marathon.
That's not to take away from the girls, that they too can be great chef's.
It is just one of the areas where men have jumped into, both feet.
That there are more men doing something doesn't mean men are inherently better at it. Maybe once more women move into the field the opposite will prove true.
Jennifer...........''I believe''..........LOL

by jonaja
I am. I'm good at keeping it clean and washing the dishes, however it needs a renovation. That latter has been bumped up the DIY list.
I most certainly am in charge, as in where & how things should be stored, the overall look , the colour scheme and all that but when it comes to cooking and cleaning everyone pitches in. Not because they have to but because they want to (Not so much the cleaning bit though!)
My husband cooks most of the evening meals and I prepare lunches, since I'm here, so neither of us is really in charge of the kitchen. We both agree on where to keep stuff and the utensils etc. are communal. Which is not to say we don't have minor disagreements from time to time. He used to get annoyed with me for using the paring knife to cut cheese with so he bought a new cheese knife for me to use instead.
by jonaja
I'm in charge of my kitchen. My man is pretty good at cooking steaks and blokey type food, so will occasionally do some cooking, but mostly it's me. The kids love helping when in cook but aren't old enough to be left to it yet. Maybe in a few years time when they can reach things better and understand about kitchen safety more they will do it!
It's a shared responsibility: if I cook, my husband helps out with washing the dishes and cleaning up afterwards. I like it this way. Keeps us both happy actually. Sometimes, very rarely, he cooks (especially breakfast). He also helps a lot with grocery shopping.
Aren't you lucky? As soon as dinner is finished in our household, my family are like cockroaches and scatter to the furtherest corners and I'm left with the cleaning up. They say, I made the mess, so I should clean it up!!! I cooked the meal, but that never seems to get any mention!! Mandy E.
by steve
I usually am as I love looking, although I'm fortunate that my husband actually enjoys it as well. Therefore, if I get totally burnt out in the kitchen he's quite happy to help out or even take over. I prefer that he doesn't do the cleaning, though. Although he's fast he's not so thorough and I often have to go over everything again!
I really believe that men do that (not clean things to our level), on purpose, because they know that we;ll just end up washing/tidying/cleaning things to how WE like and expect it to be, so they do a crap job on purpose so they get out of doing it all together. How stupid are we? Why do us women make these rods for our backs??? Mandy E.
by steve
I am, of course, because I'm a control freak according to my husband and two daughters. I like things done a certain way and get really wound up if they're not, so it's easier and less stressful for everyone concerned that I do the cooking in the household (along with everything else!!!) because no-one can cook, clean, wash or iron to my high standards apparently. I'm too fussy. Not really, I say. I just like things done to a certain level. My mum was worse than me! Mandy E.
No one is in charge. I clean up - my partner often cooks. I cook for the kids.
I loathe cooking but luckily I have a housemate who cooks 4 or 5 nights a week. The rest of us take turns to clean which is less than satisfactory. The kitchen is rarely spotless which bugs me - but not enough for me to clean up other peoples mess. The main things are washed up but stoves and benches are often a bit grubby.
I am
by Finy
The kitchen is most of the time my department, especially the washing up, my family seem to have R.S.I. when it comes to the washing up, my husband cooks at times, but his so called washing up is sloppy, and funnily enough he always forgets to wash the pots and pans, and it drives me crazy!
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