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Who does which chores at your place?

by SupahAnnie (follow)
Hi, I'm a friendly Stay at home Mum with a background in childcare. I love writing, reading and talking! Please view more of my articles through these links: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com.au/profile/300618/ www.mothersgroupmagazine.com, supahannieblog.wordpress.com/ https:/ www.facebook.com/annie.krempin convozine.com/supahannie/ Jenneke.com.au
Household (62)      Chores (29)      Responsibility (7)     

Chores, household, share, jobs, clean, wash, role, chip in

They are never ending, have to be done everyday and are boring and time consuming (well for most people).

Unfortunately chores and housework need to be done for the household to even be able to function properly!

But who does what at your place? Is it equally shared? Who, if anyone, does more?

Is anyone happy & satisfied with the each household member's contribution?

Should the person that works less do more chores?
Should a stay at home parent do it all?

What's fair, is it 50/50?

Does this issue cause disagreements between you and your partner? Do you have set jobs that you do?

Do you rotate chores? Do you use a chore chart? What day do you do most of the housework?

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Top Answers
It varies, but in general he cooks, mows and looks after the car and I clean and do the washing. The kids are too young to be much help yet.We're both happy with the arrangement but I sometimes get a bit of schtick from other people about how I should be doing it all because "he works." Actually I work too, I just don't get paid for it. My job at the moment is caring for our children. Any housework I also get done during the day is a bonus. No-one expects my husband to vacuum his office.
Hell yeah!
It's definitely not equal, but we do share some chores at home. The reason is because my partner works long hours and his work is more stressful than mine, so I would do most of the cleaning, laundry, and cooking while he helps with garbage disposal, mowing the lawn, diy repair and maintenance. On a good day, he will do the dishes. I thinks there's alot of give and take. Each couple might have different scenarios.
I think it depends who is the main bread winner. If you both parents work equally then I believe it should be 50/50.
by WSW

I just have my 21 year old at home now with me.

I do 95%

He does the other 5%
The person who gets most irritated ends up doing it. (We are 5 living in a share house)
Me, myself and I.
by Rice
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