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Who are the inspirational women in your life?

by Pauline (follow)
Life (383)      Wellbeing (113)      Inspirational (5)     

mother theresa, inspirational women,
Mother Theresa, Source: Wikipedia by Túrelio

Perhaps most of us would say "Mum" is the one - there's no doubt that mothers are the most inspirational people in our lives but what about other women apart from our beloved mothers? Is there any other woman that inspire you in a special way? Who is the person?

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Inspiration can be gained by great personalities or people who are close to you and you know them well. I even get inspired by my 5-year old daughter. My sister is a great inspiration who is always there to lend me her ear and give great advice when I need it. My friends are a great inspiration for supporting me through thick and thin and being role models for me.
My Great Grandmother Louisa who was one of the last full blood Aboriginal women born in the Adelaide Hills near a Government Waterhole. She was my Great Grandfather George's second wife (1st wife died in childbirth) and she looked after his 7 children as well as having 6 more children with George. All 13 survived into adulthood.
My mother is my inspiration because despite having little education herself she strived and fought for my education against all adversities and today because of her only, I have double degrees, a good job, healthy dose of self-esteem and faith that I can achieve anything in life if I choose to set my mind in the right direction.
Mother Theresa!
My grandmother, she was a single mother who cared for her 8 children while working full time (when my grandfather died). She recently past away and I will always remember her kindness and loving nature.
by WSW
My Mother, & her Mother. Two fabulous business-minded women, who taught me much about everything, for which, I'll be eternally grateful.

A very dear friend, aged 85, who was lost to me a year ago, to cancer. She had never married, although not for the want of suitors', but when her Father died, she decided to stay, & look after her Mum.

She'd travelled the world, many times, had lived in UK & Canada, as well as here.

Her mind was as sharp as a tack, & we'd spend weekly, hours' on the phone to each other, conversing on every subject under the Sun!
Her intelligence was something I really appreciated, her advice was always spot on, & I miss her terribly.
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