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Who are more complicated, men or woman?

by Pauline (follow)
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who is more complicated, Man or woman
Source: www.lumosity.com

It's been a long debated topic about the complexity of man and woman. Some said that women are more complicated than men. Do you agree with the statement? What's your thought? Who do you think is more complicated? why?

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A tricky one to answer. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." As the book implies anyway. It depends on who you are, and how many challenges you're experiencing at the present time. Life is awesome, yet it can be complicated as things do not always make sense.
I agree with SupahAnnie. Both men and women can be equally complicated. with so many factors driving our preferences and life, it is hard to put anyone into any specific category. Personally, I find that complexity of character has no correlation to gender.
WOMEN are by far more complex...more...complicated.

Men have less emotions, and that is a given( by the text books.)

Emotions = complex.

Women and Men are totally different....mentally.
It doesn't mean women are not as smart, it means that both have a brain...but!
a man's brain processes with his far different to how a woman's does.

The book 'Men are from Mars and Women from Venus' has some good info.

Women have the family to care for...having babies...it is in their nature to be
more in touch with their feelings,emotions, and that makes them nurturers.

Men are mainly 'black & white' in their thoughts...they like things one way or the other.

It is a wonderful balance, and one compliments the other most of the time.

Once both sexes just accept that they are at totally different ends of the scale, is the first step to not trying to 'work it out too much'.

Acceptance & understanding is all that is needed.

You're selling men a bit short there! They do not have "less emotions" than women. They feel doubt, fear, shame and sadness etc. just as much as women do but many cultures expect them not to show their emotions as much. Not showing them doesn't mean they don't have them. Being forced to repress their emotions sometimes does men a lot of harm.

A man can certainly be as nurturing as a woman can, and frankly some women aren't particularly inclined to nurture children and there's nothing wrong with that. They don't have to have children, or stay home with their children if they have them, if they don't want to.

Don't confuse stereotyping with science.
Well I have spent 13 years inside of Men'sMaxium Secuirty Gaols, in Ministry.
I would never sell men short.
But I am quite well versed in what men think and feel, and it was ''my opinion''..
from talking and interacting with the guys, also I have had two husbands, I have three sons, and a only brother.I have also had a Father..and Step Father.
Now at nearly 60...my opinion was my life experience.
by jonaja
I agree with SupahAnnie. Both men and women can be equally complicated. with so many factors driving our preferences and life, it is hard to put anyone into any specific category. Personally, I find that complexity of character has no correlation to gender.
Women by a long shot (including myself).
I think both sexes are, equally complicated. In this extremely busy, fast paced world we simply can't help it!
If you ask a woman, she will probably say "man". If you ask a man, he will probably say "woman". It's a point of perspective and your personal experiences in life. I think it's not the gender that is complex; I think it is the person himself or herself who is not able to understand or handle a situation, which creates the desire to point fingers at the other person. We can however not generalize to the point of putting the whole gender under the column of being "complex".
Women because they tend to analyse things more. Men are more black and white whereas women vary in several shades between black and white.
I suppose men might seem more complicated to women and vice versa because it's harder to understand someone whose experiences are different from yours. It's hard to separate nature from nurture, so who knows whether perceived differences between men and women are inherent or just culturally constructed? I think most of them are probably just the result of societal expectations. Did that answer the question at all? I think it's the best I can do.
I would say men are, as they don't seem to communicate as clearly as women do. Yes, women are extremely complex. We can develop babies inside our bodies, so of course we are bound to have a lot more going on, but that doesn't make us complicated. I think women can make it clear as to what they want, and they express themselves well. Women have great intuition as they are very much in touch with their feelings, whereas men seem to need things explained to them a lot of the time. I have found that a lot of the time when I am trying to explain something to my partner I have to give him a clear picture and sometimes a hypothetical for him to understand a situation properly, but when I'm speaking with another woman they seem to 'just get it' right away. Think about who seems to give you the most sound advice? Is it a man or woman? Women aren't complicated like they have been dubbed, they just see and understand things on many different levels. That actually makes them resourceful, not complicated. But I could be bias...ha ha!
Both are. But women talk to get out of their complications and men don't. When women talk to men, things get more complicated and when men don't talk to the women they complicate matters. So this is a very complicated reply to a complicated question!
women, of course -men are more simple!
by Finy
woman life is more complicated
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