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Which type of cabbage is your favourite?

by meggf (follow)
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There are so many types of cabbage! Do you have a favourite?

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I LOVE them all!
I'm a guts :)
I resemble that remark. Hahahahaha.
by Rice
by jonaja
There are indeed many different types of cabbage available. I'm not a great advocate of the typical looking cabbage (I think it's called white cabbage) instead preferring members of the cabbage family instead such as brussel sprouts and bok choy.
My favourite is wombok, but I pretty much like all cabbage.
I don't like cabbage of any sort.
No type, cabbage is not on my menu. My husband likes red cabbage but I can take it or leave it. I prefer to leave it.
Chinese cabbage is a good one. Especially once you get up a repertoire of uses for it - including Cabbage Stir Fry!
I like all kinds of cabbage.
by Vee
I love them all.
by Gia
I like the red/purple varieties best
Savoy cabbage, it is a lovely looking cabbage (crinkled) and sliced thinly looks lovely on the plate in addition to tasting great,

sugar loaf cabbage another vegetable that has disappeared out of the shops. ie queensland blue
pumpkin and Crystal apple cucumbers,
Sugar Loaf. Then Wombok. Brussels Sprouts. Oh heck, I just like cabbage.
by Rice
I like them all. Sometimes I just wash the leaves, shake the excess watter off, dice some bacon and put it in a saucepan and when starting to cook, add chopped cabbage, place lid on saucepan and it cooks quickly. Sometimes I add a splosh of cream to it. With the red cabbage I add stewed apple or apple puree if I don't have Granny Smith apples on hand, or if pushed for time, open a jar of red cabbage with apple and heat to have with pork of any description. I also like the mix of cabbages in my coleslaw.
Savoy!! Braised in Butter with Onions, Cream, Black Pepper & Salt, a jot of Cayenne and splash of white wine or sparkling!
OR just a basket of Steamed Savoy.
Yum. Love Cabbage.
Savoy cabbage chopped finely.
Green cabbages
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