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Which sweets do you hate?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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parma violets, sweets

Most of us like sweets, but there are some that taste really awful. Which sweets do you hate?

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The sweets I hate most of all are those foam bananas and pink shrimp. I think they are disgusting. I don't like Parma violets either; they leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Can't eat Minties, Fantales, Cobbers anymore, due 'weak' fillings! They just 'pull' them out of teeth!
Never liked White Knights, Polly Waffles(discontinued now), Bertie Beetle, sour anything, coloured Licorice, Violet Crumble Bar (so pleased 'Crunchie' was invented!

I prefer DARK chocolate over Milk. Is better for you.
I do miss mastercraft's Peanut Brittle, though!
C L I N K E R S !!!!
Yeah, those are a good way to break your teeth.
They sure are... I have no idea? 'why' people still like them.
by jonaja
I enjoy 'Clinkers' for their sherbet-ty taste!
by donjo
One lollie I absolutely hate is black licorice because of the taste and the revolting smell
Have you tried Darrell Lea's Dark Chocolate Covered Bites? They come in other flavours', too!
by donjo
Those sour ones. I am not a huge fan of bubble gum either.
Nerds. What a peculiar taste.
I used to be quite fond of the sour Nerds, but I didn't like the sweet ones.
Liquorice, anything almond flavoured and anything that tastes artificial, like some fruit flavoured sweets. Kool Fruits used to be really nasty but I tried some recently and they seemed to have changed them so they taste more or less like fruit now and not like cough mixture.
Tootsie pops, they have an off taste that just seems to stay with you all day.
Clinkers (because they seem to grate on your teeth, bananas, aniseed sticks, musks, milk bottles and those false teeth ones.
But I love peppermint patties.
Oh! Fran, what about 'Golden Rough', if you like patties? I do enjoy musk sticks now & again. Darrell Lea's Dark Chocolate coated soft licorice, & ? (brand starts wit 'C') Dark Licorice Bullets, I adore! Like Bananas, too, occasionally! Cheers!
by donjo
things with ginger
by Finy
Enter the Pom . . . I hate Chicos, Milk Bottles, Fantales, Cobbers and Jaffas but would walk a mile for Parma Violets and I love nearly everything else you all dislike. LOL. Of course, the days of eating any of them are gone due to the bl@@dy diabetes :((
by Rice
Most of those sweet names I don't even recognise. I did, however, used to love milk bottles, but couldn't stand parama violets. Look like we're opposites in the sweet department.
Anything with MILK or white chocolate. Any chewy ones, or any long sucking ones, anything I may brake my teeth on, & anything artificially coloured.
by Miro
Don't eat many sweets or chocolate for that matter.

One thing I do like which is hard to find in Australia (just as well probably) is Scottish tablet. I try explaining to people what it is, but everyone assumes I mean fudge.

Tablet has a completely different taste altogether. Very sweet and very moreish. Because it is so sweet you can't really eat much of it.
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