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Which plants make the best indoor plants?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Halfalah via Wikimedia Commons

Having the presence of mother nature in the house is a pleasurable experience. But it is hard to choose ideal low-maintenance indoor plants from the wide variety on offer.

What plants do you think make the best indoor plants and require the least maintenance? What do you consider when choosing an indoor plant?

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I'm not sure if they make the best house plant but thus far I've never killed a cactus. I think I've managed to kill almost everything else but not the hardy cactus. On this basis, that makes them a good indoor plant. Prickles aside, you can get some beautiful flowers off the cacti too.
Definitely the Zanzibar. Great indoor plants, they look rather pretty in the home. The best thing if all, they require hardly any maintenance: just water them once in a while.
Spider plants are easy to keep and the little mini plant off shoots can be cut of and stuck in another pot to create a whole new plant. I have one which doesn't get watered much and it still survives.
An orchid is probably one of the more tricky plants to have in the house but if you're looking for simple beauty this wins hands down.
I have orchids at home and I think they are great indoor plants!
by WSW
Succulents - they survive even if you don't water them for a while.
I definitely don't have a green thumb! My favourite indoor plant that requires little care and flowers beautifully is the Peace Lily.
Money plant (a tropical vining plant) is quite popular in our extended family all over the world.
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