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Which newspaper do you read?

by Vee (follow)
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I don’t particularly read the newspaper unless it is a local publication. What about you? Is there a particular newspaper you read? If so, how often do you read the paper?

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The only paper I used to read was the Sunday Mail and that was only the Escape magazine insert. Sadly, this insert is nowhere near as good as it used to be so I don't even bother reading that anymore 😥
I don't.
Have not read one for the last 10 years.
Everything I need to know is on the net.
But..having said that, the day they don't have newspapers will be a sad one.
I don't read hardcopy print, but I regularly check the NY Times on the net.
I don't read the newspaper very often. Only when there is a free copy of the Metro at the train station.
I don't read a physical paper anymore, and I rarely read them online either. I tend to read specialty publications about writing, or science and so on. On occasion I will check out a HuffPost article, that's about it.
I gave up on newspapers about 10 years ago. I now just read what I want to read online.
The only one I read is the Sunday one and I really only get that so that I have a printed TV programme.

I see enough bad news on the television and don't really have time to read papers particularly as I play a lot of Scrabble online.
by Finy
I started playing online too, but am not a big fan of the website I use. Any recommendations?
by Vee
I paid for the proper Hasbro scrabble -only about $7 but it is the original and the best.
by Finy
We used to buy Monday's Sydney Morning Herald, for the TV section, but then the paper became smaller & dearer, so we gave it up! I used to collect a Mx paper when ever I was coming home from the city after a day out, but that unfortunately stopped mid June. And I have always read our free local paper, twice a week.
I like browsing the local pages too.
by Vee
I buy the Weekend Australian and occasionally the Courier Mail during the week. I also read our local free paper which has our local news. I use the internet to read the UK newspapers.
I read the Advertiser, every day, and the Sunday Mail, sometimes I might buy the Saturday paper, not always.
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