Well vinegrettes are partly made up of oil; the addition of vinegar, however, gives it a bit more acidity, which I like. It also dilutes the dressing slightly, adding moistness and making the dressing stretch further.
When I cook at home I usually just use lemon or lime juice, yogurt and apple cider vinegar...either alone or mixed, along with salt, pepper and some fresh or dried herbs.
Recently when I was at a restaurant in Malaysia I tried one made out of passionfruit, which was really delicious. Mango dressing is also unusual but yummy.
It depends on the salad, but if I have to choose one, quick and delicious, it would be a balsamic vinagrette with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, chili flakes and garlic powder. That's my go to vinagrette.
I seem to be in the majority here. Balsamic or rasberry vinagrette are preferable. If I want something creamy I dilute some greek yoghurt with water , maybe add a little garlic and fresh herbs.
I really dislike mayonaise.
Thd Red Ned are my favourite dressings apart from the home made mayonnaise made with condensed milk and mustard. Our local bowling club does this amazing vinaigrette which I would love poured over my salad until the salad was almost swimming in it. Yummo!
Without a doubt, I swear by the following: smashed (pestle and mortar) black peppercorns, a few fresh rosemary sprigs, garlic - all bashed together, mixed with at least three tblsp of Greek olive oil and a squeeze of half a lemon. Genuinely unbeatable and super tasty.