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Which is your favourite form of dance?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
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Two dancers performing a modern dance. Photo by Barry Goyette, shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic Licence.

Do you dance yourself, or do you like to watch dancers perform? If so, which form of dance appeals to you the most?

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I love to watch dancing,it brings out a primal need we seem to have.

Watching any form of dancing is a love of mine.

I know if children are around people dancing, they seem to want to dance.
A age old way of communication.
If it moves, I will watch it.Even bad dancing is interesting a really is there 'any' bad dancing?
Not really.....Self expression is wonderful, I did use to dance quite a lot once.
It also can make you feel so much better, and alive.
Think it's time to start it up again, now that I remember how much fun it was.
Yes, it is lovely the way little kids are just naturally moved to dance whenever they hear music. "Dance" was one of my son's earliest words (shouted with glee, accompanied by enthusiastic arm movements).
When I see little ones dance, it makes me want to cry...so sweet.
by jonaja
I love the tango. It feels so good to do it and to watch is a dream.

It is impressive. I have a friend who does ballroom (well, she used to and probably will again when she's not hugely pregnant) and she is brilliant.
The best Tango is in the movie 'True Lies' Arnold Schwarzenegger was divine to watch Oh Yeah! sexy tooooooo.
by jonaja
I haven't done it in a little while but I really enjoy belly dancing. It feels so good move like that and I enjoyed doing it will I was pregnant and had a big belly to move around. Hoop dancing (ie. dancing with a hula hoop) is also fun.

For watching I quite like hip hop and break dancing. I've never been really into classical ballet or modern dance but I think I am starting to see why other people like them.
Also love belly dancing and hip hop. Softer dances such as ballet are also fantastic. The dance workout Zumba are also great.
My three favourite dances are the tango, the charleston, and the jive. I don't dance myself, but I love watching Strictly Come Dancing.
I remember learning the Jive at school. I have a feeling it would be fun if you didn't have someone shouting at you the whole time. Ah Phys Ed, how I do NOT miss it!
I like watching ballet and traditional folk dances. Historical dances are also really beautiful to watch, though I myself never really master the art of dancing.
I've never been fond of ballet, but now that my grand daughter is learning, any ballet she features in is fine by me. Even if Dame Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev were resurrected, they'd need the GD in their swan backing group for me to attend their performance.
Those tiny little ballerinas in their tutus are the sweetest!
Yep they sure are.
by jonaja
I may be biased because I studied ballet (and have my degree in it), but ballet is definitely my favourite. Particularly the classics - their stories appeal to the writer in me, their timeless music couldn't be more evocative and they have some of the most beautiful choreography known to mankind. I'm particularly a sucker for Swan Lake. Not terribly original, I know, but it's a worldwide favourite for a reason.
Yes, Kerri, I, too, love 'Swan Lake'. Will see it, no matter who's performing!

Saw it last year by the American Ballet Theatre. It was superb!

But the best for me was Matthew Bourne's version, with the male performers' in feathery trousers & bare chested. It really brought home to me what vicious creatures swans can be!
Hopefully a performance by some Company is scheduled for 2015!
by donjo
I enjoy watching Dancing with Stars as they mix it up a little and show off different kind of dances.
Tap. I'm really bad at it but I still like it...and I love to watch it.
I don't participate in any dance (unless you call my bopping around in a club dancing). I enjoy watching dance shows nonetheless, and really enjoy tribal belly dancing which is less erotic than what it has become today.
Flamenco & various Ballet.
I love jiving (I'm from the 60s era) and the music of the 60s of course too. I like watching Latin American dancing in all its forms - it is so beautiful, energetic and sensuous. My son does tango classes with his girlfriend and they just love them. I'm not too keen on ballet as I did ballet for several years as a child and never really liked it much even then. I can appreciate the beauty in a performance though. Hip hop I find to be really clever too.
Well at present I am learning belly dancing, and I am enjoying it so much, and my teacher is Nayima Hassan and she is wonderful, but I also like latin american.
Yes, I have learned to ballroom dance, and at present I am learning bellydancing, there is so much to learn in this style, but I am loving every minute, of coarse, my teacher is fantastic, and I would recommend it to any one doesn't matter the age, as we have an 80 year old learning! Nayima Hassan is a great teacher!
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