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Which is your favourite BERRY?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

There are heaps of berries you can buy -these include blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, loganberries, blackberries, mulberries, gooseberries, and more.

Which berry is your favourite?

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I think mulberries are about my favourite particularly the very sweet white ones.

Strawberries are nice but this year there are always some rotten ones in each punnet, and they do not taste like they used to.

I also like raspberries -in fact there are quite a few berries I really like, AND they are very healthy also.

I used them from frozen in a smoothie a few times a week, mixed with a banana and some milk.
by Finy
All of them ( except the rotten ones in strawberry punnet..LOL) !! Oh they were so much more cheaper in United States. I had a fresh homemade mix berry smoothie every single day. The strawberries were huge and blueberries were my favorite snack for the day.
by BK
With Berries I am very easily pleased as I adore them ALL!!! When I was a kid in Victoria,we would grow raspberries and strawberries,as well as go Blackberry picking at on the big hill art the end of the street!!! When I came to Nth Qld,I found Mulberry trees in most back yards,and these are Oh!!! SO delicious!!! I have found that Winter is the time here for Strawberries and they are as cheap as cheap,along with being sweet and full of old fashioned flavour!!! I can happily eat a whole punnet-ful while relaxing watching TV!!! i keep a big jar of gooey,Nutella and I dip the fresh berries into this chocolatey, hazelnutty treat!!! Ohy my goodness!!!! I have some in trhe fridge right now even though winter has passed us by!! I am so baffled by the price of FRESH Raspberries, Blackberries and Blueberries,and having to usually purchase these frozen,I miss these treats from my childhood.But as I said initially,I adore ALL berries!
NUTELLA AND BERRIES?! Do you want to be friends? LOL!
by Vee
Well,seeing as how I cannot eat eggs,and you have kindly offered to enjoy them for me when you eat yours ,I had to find SOMEthing scrumptious to enjoy!!!! So the wonders of Berries and Nutella seemed a pretty good option and one which everyone should enjoy as often as possible!!! So YES!! You can be my friend!!! Ha ha ha!!!
by Jules
Great question.
by Vee
I don't eat a huge amount of berries - but I love strawberries and blueberries.
I love Blueberries.

Full of good stuff too, and I love the taste, not for everyone,
but yep they are my fav...I love them baked in muffins...wow!
these are not so sweet? i get the blue and black ones mixed up.
by Finy
Ooh that's the best part, Finy. I love them tart. :)
by Vee
If they are dried, then cranberries, but if they are fresh, then raspberries.
Strawberries are nice.
I prefer blueberries.
Blackberries...love blackberry jam
by fran
My favourite berry is the blueberry
by AJ
I like all berries but strawberries are my favourite. At my previous house there was a mulberry tree next door stretching over my fence. It was great to be able to pick a few fresh berries when I wanted them.
Native raspberries, which are also super high in Vitamin C.
by Lucy
I love a nice juicy strawberry but I also love blueberries in muffins and raspberries in dessert.
by Gia
Strawberries, with a light dusting of Icing Sugar!

Mulberries, straight off my tree! Then as contents of a Pie!, served with lashings of fresh Cream!

Remember going through the 'silkworm' craze at School, & I was very happy I had access to Mulberry leaves!
I love all berries. I love fruit of the forest yogurt it's full of mixed berries. Also we are lucky to be able to buy them frozen.
They are ALL so berry nice that I can't choose!
by Rice
My favourite is raspberry. I eat a large variety of fruit, including strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, melon, grapes, seedless mandarins, bananas, kiwi et al. Not keen on pawpaw though.
Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberries, pretty much all except gooseberries.
Mixed together is a delight sometimes Microwave a few and create a fresh sauce to pour over the berries.
I love them all, but if I have to choose, I would choose raspberries.
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