Which is the worst disability -being blind or being confined to a wheelchair?
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Both would be awful however I think I would rather be in a wheelchair, than not be able to see.
At least in a wheelchair, you can still easily use a computer -I think not being able to see would, for me, be the worst evil of the two.
A wheelchair person can still drive after the car is adapted, however a blind person would have to rely on someone else for most outings.
Both would, however, be horrific and especially for someone young.
I am sure both are pretty bad, I have always wanted to donate my eyes when I die. I just feel claustrophobic thinking about people who can't see. It breaks me down literally. The person in a wheelchair has to face a lot too. I have a family member in wheelchair, so I know.
I won't say which is worse. Just can't compare. Only the suffering one would know.
I can't say because I don't know. Here's hoping I never find out.
I have severe health issues and as I always say to people,'I could be so much worse off!! At lesast I am not in a Wheelchair'. Now that you have posed this extremely difficult scenario to choose from,I think that the wheelchair would not be so bad when compared with having no sight!!! To not be able to see my family and my dogs,my flowers in the garden would truly fill me with sadness beyond description. And as a collector of antique ILLUSTRATED books,I would not be able to enjoy the visual magic of my beautiful past-time. So many things can still be achieved by people in wheelchairs,and more so than even a few years ago,with technology moving forward at such a great pace
Loosing my sight would be too hard.
If I am in a wheel.chair, then I can see and watch t.v. etc.
Vision is something too important to loose.
You have to be really in their shoes to make a judgement on that . It is easy to pick one like that . May God keep everyone safe here !
That is very sweet of you, Amber. Back at you ;-))
Both would be horrific but I think being blind would be the worst...
No both would not be horrific. Being in a chair would be nothing. I am so terrified of going blind.
I don't think it is fair to try and compare disabilities.
I think you would actually have to experience both to be able to answer.
As hard as being in a wheelchair might be, (and given my back condition that can't cope with too much sitting anyway) I'd kind of prefer this over being blind. I see a few people in my local area, some with guide dogs, some with canes, and marvel at how confidently they walk along the street to the shops, station, etc.
Deafness, I would not be able to hear the wind in the trees, music, the voices of children
I think going blind as you would miss so much wonderful imagery?
I have a bit of a fear of going blind. A wheelchair wouldn't exactly be fun, but I think I would cope better with that than blindness.
Being blind woukd be bad for me but also having relatives confined to wheelchairs can be just as bad, particularly when suffering loss of limbs. My grandfather was stone deaf and even having the large battery type hearing aid which meant the battery was carried in his top shirt pocket with a long cord to his ear, he told me he'd rather have lost a limb than his hearing so I guess each individual would have different thoughts for choosing their answer.
I know from having an uncle confined to a wheel chair from childhood that even in the 21st century that being in a wheelchair can still be difficult, but if i could never see the faces of my loving famìly again or a full moon or sunrise or sunset or anytjing, that would be very hard to cope with and adjust to.
Having neither disability I can only imagine. I would rather be confined to a wheelchair than to lose my sight. I am not a particularly active person and an active person might answer differently. I am an artist and could still work from a wheelchair. I am a very visual person.
Being blind as restricted to a wheelchair you can still get around; especially with electric mobility scooters.
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