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Which is the best smartphone manufacturer?

by annep (follow)
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The market for smartphones is a very competitive one as many new manufacturers are thriving to dethrone older names like Apple or Samsung.

Which of the smartphone manufacturers on the market do you think is best?

#Mobile Phones
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I feel no one can really answer this without being bias.
It is all about personal likes, to be totally honest with you.Each one is different, so what one person likes, another will not....I know this answer is slightly simple, but how can one make a choice, when each phone has something a person may dislike or just love.
My family all have iphones by Apple.
Before choosing a smartphone, you should decide on the budget and how you plan to use your new device. Apple's iphone is a good choice for quality, but there are many Android phones offered at better price.
Even though I love my iPhone I wouldn't say Apple. Their phones break, and there is a friend of mine who is disappointed with his iPhone from having I think a Sony earlier. The Samsung Galaxy is good too...
I have loved the Apple iphone for years, but am now considering the Nokia 1020 as my next phone because it's camera is streets ahead of any other smartphone on the market and I use the camera of my iphone heavily.

So I guess it depends what you want to use it for.
I like my Samsung SIII, for taking photos, long enough battery, does all the things I need it to do, so it's definitely smart for me.
I had an iPhone for many years and love Apple but I was encouraged to try a Samsung Galaxy 4s and I love so much. I really like Apple products having an iPad and mac laptop. I do not think Apple had kept itself unto date with style of phones. Just mu opinion of course.
I love my i phone.
It is the first Apple product I have had and now have the i pad as well.
I have a few friends who have thrown out their Samsung and changed to i phone, so my vote it definitely for the i phone.
I still prefer a "real" camera to the i phone or any other phone, as the pictures while being good, are just not AS good as those taken with a camera.
by Finy
I have a Samsung SIII and like it because it is in synch with my Android Samsung tablet so I check my phone when out making an appointment without having to carry my tablet with me. I think the camera is very sharp and although I don't use a lot of the apps on it, it suits my needs.
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