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Which is the best childbirth method?

by Pauline (follow)
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childbirth methods, child delivery methods, best childbirth
Source: Wikipedia by Jeremy Kemp

There are many ongoing debates on the best method for childbirth namely natural, medicated or C-section. If you have an option to choose, which method would it be? or if you've had prior experience, which would you recommend?

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What an interesting question! The short answer is "it depends." If you have complications that require a c-section then that's the way to go for you. If there's no medical reason for one then vaginal birth is generally agreed to be safer for both mum and baby. I've never had a c-section myself and I wouldn't choose to have one unless I needed to. I've had two vaginal births and found them both to be amazing, though very different experiences. The first was a hospital transfer from a birth centre and I had an epidural. The second was a home birth with nothing but hot water as pain relief. If I had another baby I'd choose home birth again in a heartbeat. It's not for everyone but it was definitely for me.
Ideally natural labour. Have had a C-section, and it is traumatic for both the mum and the baby. If medical conditions prevent a natural labour, then a C-Section it is, although natural labour is preferable.
Best is natural! :)
Ideally natural labour. Have had a C-section, and it is traumatic for both the mum and the baby. If medical conditions prevent a natural labour, then a C-Section it is, although natural labour is preferable.
Which ever gets the baby out and keeps the mother alive. Nothing more to it...
I think the mother can hope for better than just getting out of it alive! How about being healthy, both physically and mentally? A birth that leaves you alive but horribly traumatised, or unable to have more children might leave you alive but it's hardly ideal.
I have to agree with Jennifer myself.
by jonaja
Natural labour would be best but then it all depends on whether complications occur.
by WSW
I have had 2 medicalised births one in a public hospital one in a private hospital and I have had 2 completely natural births at home in water receiving my care from a fully qualified private midwife. For me the best and only choice is at home completely natural. I however believe every woman has the right to make their own choices there is no right or wrong as long as the woman is fully educated informed and empowered
Had planned to give birth on all fours - read it was the easiest way. After 10 hrs labour, was given an epidural and carted off to the operating room. Doc pricked my tummy and I felt it so they had to knock me out, never got to see baby born and woke up 2 days later after the pethadine. Never goes as planned :-) Was in public hospital but had the best specialists delivering my baby.
The best method is the one that makes the birthing woman feel safe.

Ideally, I would imagine a 'natural' vaginal birth to be best. I would not elect to have a c-section unless I really had no other option. The thought of 'going under' for any reason has always given me the heebie jeebies. I have had only one experience giving birth, and it was great despite the pain. I wanted a non-medicated vaginal water birth, and that is what I got. Unfortunately, not all women can choose to birth the way they would like.
by Vee
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