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Which is better: coffee or tea?

by chipp (follow)
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coffee tea

Tea is great all round drink, and so is coffee. Which is your favourite coffee or tea?

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I enjoy tea in the morning, however I enjoy coffee during the day. On the most half, I drink a little more tea than coffee - so I would have to say tea!
Tea definitely. Tea has proven health benefits whereas coffee has lots of caffeine which is pretty notorious.
For me I can have tea without sugar but not coffee. So tea is healthier for me.
Tea has caffiene too, which is why it's addictive. It usually has less than coffee, but it depends on the variety. I read somewhere that coffee can help stave off the effects of dementia, though its' been a while so I'd have to go hunting for the article. Caffiene can help people with ADD or ADHD as an alternative to ritalin. Tea has antioxidants, more in green tea and white tea than black tea.
I have always preferred coffee to tea, especially if I go out to a cafe or restaurant.
None - because I don't like either!
Personally I prefer tea. I enjoy fancy flavoured leaf tea but even just bag tea can make a decent cuppa, so in that respect tea is superior to coffee since instant coffee is usually terrible compared with ground.
Coffee by far, but I drink a tonne of herbal teas...
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