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Which foods are considered superfoods?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Ed g2s via Wikimedia Commons

Nowadays, some foods are proclaimed as super foods; foods that provide vital nutrients and have numerous health benefits. Some people swear swear by these magical superfoods.

Which foods do you consider superfoods?

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Many people focus on fruit and vegetables but I think some tasty fish with all it's nutrients and benefits is a must for all ages.
I read in the paper that Quinoa, sweet potatoes, blueberries, avocado, garlic and broccoli are some of the amazing superfoods.
I keep hearing amazing things about Maca Powder which derives from a root growing in the Andes mountains of Peru, also Acai berries which also originate from South, and Central America. Both of which are said to be rich in vitamins and minerals with numerous benefits to our health and well being.
I keep hearing amazing things about Maca Powder which derives from a root growing in the Andes mountains of Peru, also Acai berries which also originate from South, and Central America. Both of which are said to be rich in vitamins and minerals with numerous benefits to our health and well being.
Blueberries for sure. They're packed full of antioxidants.
Foods I've heard called superfoods include quinoa, avocado, blueberries, Acai berries and broccoli. Even salmon, eggs and apples seem to be promoted too.
Cranberries are healthy too, especially for women.
by WSW
How about nuts: walnuts, almonds, brazilian, hazelnuts?
There are hundreds of super foods out there, and learning what they are can drastically help your health. The right nuts, the right veggies and the right fruit, even certain meats can be considered super foods. For me, Acai berries, pomegranate, blueberries and walnuts are my favs, but I hope to integrate more into my diet as time goes on.
Blueberry a strawberry a black currants

That's interesting Babs4. I've never heard of strawberries being a superfood, but certainly blueberries are.
by Miro
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