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Which do you prefer, vertical or venetian blinds?

by Vee (follow)
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Image sourced from Wikipedia

Venetian blinds gather dust, but vertical blinds are, apparently, more fun to play with than actual toys. Well, according to my son they are.

Which do you prefer, vertical or venetian blinds?

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I have wooden venetian blinds and really like them. I think vertical blinds look rather outdated.
Lol, yes kids do seem to love them. It's a bit scary when they're little and might get tangled in the blind cords.

I have venetian blinds, and I kind of like the film noir look you get when the light shines through them in the late afternoon.
I was thinking the same thing. I even tried to find an image from a film noir film.
by Vee
Really loathe vertical blinds. You can't sleep with your bedroom windows open to catch a breeze or put the ceiling fan on in summer because the darn things knock against the wall and window, keeping you awake. Vertical blinds sure do gather dust but I rather that than restless sleeps!
Good points Sandy.
by Vee
Venetian are my preference.
I prefer venetian, without a doubt.
From experience I can tell you that vertical blinds and dogs don't mix.
They're not so great with kids either LOL.
by Vee
........or cats!
by donjo
Venetian. But they do gather dust and its a task cleaning them
To be honest, I really really love 'Plantation'.

If I had only the other two to choose from, Vertical...because of the dust on

Oh! jonaj, I, too, just l o v e White Plantation Shutters! There's just 'something' about them for me that's really 'oldie-worldie'. Must remind me too much of my many stays at the 'Raffles', in Singers! Cheers!
by donjo
Plantation are very expensive too!
by jonaja
Vertical blinds are disgusting. What are are we still in the 80's.

I love timber venetians. Even like the slimline venetians.
Venetians definitely -they look so much better than the vertical though I think the verticals are good in a laundry -especially now that they do not have that chain on them any more as these used to break all the time.

I think verticals generally look cheap and nasty.
by Finy
I have vertical blinds in my rental, in both loungeroom and bedroom, so can't change them over. They're useless during extreme heat and cold, letting it in, as there's a gap of around 6 cm from the blinds to the window. This week the cold air has come right in so it's been pointless me having the heater on for long, it goes 'straight out'.
What a pain (no pun intended). Perhaps you could place a draft door stopper in the gap between the blinds and the window. That may help.
by Vee
We have a mixture of blinds in our house, however, I'm thiking we should have put verticals on the windows, not only do venetians hold the dust, they flap about when a sliding window is open, so we tend not to open the windows!
Oh, that can be so annoying!
by Vee
Verticals. Had venetians in our rental and they are a nightmare to clean! It's a real shame that colours of verticals are so limited here in perth. That's what makes them seem out of date. In the uk you can get every colour and quite a few patterns.
I wasn't aware of that. We've actually got vertical blinds where we're staying at the moment, and I have to say, they too are a pain the bum.
by Vee
I know someone who painted her verticals, not sure what type of paint was used.
by joan_
Neither. Although useful, for shading light, I just hate having to clean them. When I moved out of a flat that had venetian blinds at all six windows I got a "Jim" to take them away and clean them.
In my former home, had Curtains. Had a vertical in the Sun room, in front of a Holland Blind, to keep out glare.
Had Holland Blinds on Western side windows. They worked very well.

Where I'm now, has wooden venetians. I'll get a cleaner in one day.
My parental home had venetians. Hated them, as I the younger child, had to clean them. My hands always got cut!

What a hideous image. Sorry that happened to you, donjo. That's dreadful.
by Vee
Neither. They both look ugly, and are very hard to keep clean
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